Page 161 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
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                         Despite recent news that at least three South African   consequent lockdown to meet increased demand. The
                         operators  have recently  launched  5G  services, much   spectrum is, however, only valid until November. Mobile
                         of the spectrum used is temporary and much remains   data-only operator Rain also took advantage  of the
                         to be awarded. However, that may be about to change.   spectrum bonus, although it had already deployed a 5G
        South Africa     The telecommunications  regulator, the Independent   wireless data network in certain parts of Johannesburg
                         Communications  Authority  of South  Africa  (ICASA),
                                                                        and Tshwane late last  year, apparently by  leveraging
                         now seems to be ready to make 5G spectrum available   its  4G  data  networking  infrastructure.  ICASA has
                         at  auction. According  to Reuters  and local press   committed to holding an auction to issue permanent
                         reports,  ICASA said  on Thursday  that  it  is  preparing   high-demand  spectrum  licenses  by  December.
                         to issue what is called  an ‘invitation to apply’ (ITA)   However, it did not give an exact date for when it will
                         for high demand spectrum and the so-called wireless   publish  the  ITA. MTN South  Africa reiterated  its call
                         open  access  network (WOAN). The  ITA, due  in June   for the auction of 5G spectrum as it launched its next-
                         but apparently slightly delayed, is for licenses  in   generation network earlier this week using temporary
                         the 700MHz,  800MHz,  2.3GHz,  2.6GHz  and  3.5GHz   spectrum. MTN, Rain and Vodacom are no doubt eager
                         bands.  Mobile operators MTN  and Vodacom have   for the regulator  to auction  the spectrum,  which,  it
                         already started rolling out 5G networks in major South   is  argued,  could  help to bring down data  prices  and
                         African cities using temporary spectrum assigned by   expand broadband services.
                         the regulator  during  the coronavirus pandemic  and   (July 4, 2020)

                         The Council of Ministers has approved the new date for   Consequently, the government has also confirmed the
                         the completion of the release of the 694MHz-790MHz   postponement of the tender for the 700MHz frequency
                         (700MHz)  band – known as  the ‘Second  Digital   band for  5G  services, which will  now take place in
                         Dividend’ – which will now be 31 October 2020. This   the first quarter of 2021. On 30 March this year Spain
                         new date has been set as a result of the ‘exceptional   communicated to the EU that the situation caused by
        Spain            situation’  caused by  the COVID-19  pandemic,  as   COVID-19 would prevent it from completing the release
                         social distancing and mobility restriction  measures   process by the 30 June 2020 deadline established by
                         implemented  during the state of alarm  forced  the   Decision 2017/899.
                         government  to slow down  the release  process.   (June 24, 2020)

                         The  Swedish  Post  and  Telecom  Agency  (Post  &   to submit their responses. (July 9, 2020)
                         Telestyrelsen,  PTS) has  opened  a  consultation  to   The  Swedish  Post  and  Telecom  Agency  (Post  &
                         review the  possible  co-ordination  of licensing  in the   Telestyrelsen, PTS) has decided to amend incumbent
                         2.1GHz  and 2.6GHz bands. At the  moment,  2.6GHz   operator  Telia’s  obligations  in the market for local
        Sweden           licenses  used  for 4G services are due  for renewal at   access  to network  infrastructure (Market 3a). The
                         the  end  of 2023, while 2.1GHz concessions  for 3G   changes include the cancellation of the obligation to
                         expire at the end of 2025. The regulator has put three   provide access and virtual access to copper networks
                         options on the table: extend existing 2.6GHz licenses   and to channelization. The PTS has also adopted a new
                         for two years to end-2025, after a new law on electronic   pricing  structure for access  to copper  infrastructure.
                         communications  has been  adopted  and entered into   The changes will take effect on 1 July 2020. In February
                         force; bring the  renewal of 2.1GHz  permits forward   this  year  the  EC  rejected  a  PTS  move  to  implement
                         to  end-2023; or stick  with  the current staggered   a single  national market regulation  for wholesale
                         timetable. PTS says that a coordinated allocation could   local  access  to  fiber-optic  services.  The  regulator
                         result in more efficient frequency use and, ultimately,   subsequently  resumed  its  market analysis  in light of
                         lower costs for operators and thus a  higher  rate  of   the EC’s ruling and the latest decision is the result of
                         expansion. Interested parties have until 1 September   that. (June 9, 2020)

                         Chunghwa  Telecom has reportedly been  issued  with   noted  that,  with  Chunghwa  having met the statutory
                         its 5G operating license, making it the first of the five   obligations  of its  business  plan, it  had been  decided
                         companies that secured 5G-suitable spectrum earlier   to issue it with a concession  which  allows for the
                         this  year  to  be  officially  awarded  its  concession.   launch of a commercial 5G offering. On the back of the
                         Confirming  the  development  in  a  press  release,   decision to award the license, local news outlet Focus
        Taiwan           the National  Communications  Commission  (NCC)   Taiwan  reported that Chunghwa  is targeting  1 July

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