Page 166 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 166


                         The government of Zimbabwe has pulled back from a   in this area, but the ones that are operating now have
                         threat to shut down all mobile money services in the   made  significant  investment  into  this  service.  The
                         country as it looks to target ‘malpractices, criminality   investment  required  in  this  sector  is  significant  and
                         and economic  sabotage perpetrated by  the wolves   some fail to attract meaningful investment to roll out,”
                         in sheep skins amongst  our  population’.  Following   he said. Mr. Muzhuzha, however, could not be drawn
        Zimbabwe         an  initial  statement from  Information  Secretary  Nick   into disclosing the names of the affected companies

                         Mangwana  at  the weekend which caused uproar   for client confidentiality reasons. According to a Budd
                         among the millions of mobile money users, the Reserve   Comm report on Zimbabwe- Telecoms,  Mobile  and
                         Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) quickly moved to clarify the   Broadband  Statistics  and  Analyses,  limitations  in
                         government’s position. Rather than targeting all users,   international bandwidth for the country – landlocked –
                         mobile  money agents  and bulk payer lines are being   has for many years held back development in Internet
                         closed, with merchant-to-merchant transactions also   and broadband  sectors,  but this has changed  since
                         suspended,  but other  forms of transaction,  including   fiber  optic  links  to  several  submarine  cables  were
                         payments  for  utility bills, can  still be  carried  out. As   established  via neighboring  countries.  The  report
                         part of its temporary measures to combat fraud and   further notes that the expansion of 3G and LTE-based
                         corruption,  the government  has also banned  trading   broadband  services have meant that  more than half
                         on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE). According to   of the population can now access the Internet. With
                         industry regulator POTRAZ, the total number of active   the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects
                         mobile  money  subscriptions  grew  by  2%  in  the  final   on businesses,  the sector will  not be spared at  both
                         three months of 2019  to reach 7,334,639 as  of end-  operator  and consumer  level. For an economy  that
                         December, with Econet’s EcoCash service accounting   was already facing challenges prior to the pandemic,
                         for 93% of all users. (June 29, 2020)  it  is  anticipated network service providers will  have
                                                                        difficulties  maintaining  and  upgrading  existing
                         The  Postal and Telecommunications  Regulatory   infrastructure due to foreign currency shortages, while
                         Authority of  Zimbabwe (POTRAZ), says  it  cancelled   on the part of consumers side, disposable incomes will
                         nearly 10  licenses for Internet access providers who   continue to dwindle. However, Potraz says it is working
                         failed to roll out their businesses.  Speaking  during   on a  regulatory  framework that  among other issues,
                         the third  edition  of an  online  economic  development   will  enhance interoperability,  which will  in turn make
                         outlook  seminar hosted  by  Global Renaissance   telecommunications services affordable to consumers
                         Investments (GRI), Potraz Technical Services Director   while remaining viable for the operators. “You find in
                         Nicholas Muzhuzha, said some aspiring operators   some instances three towers on a  hill by  the mobile
                         applied for licenses but failed to take off due to lack of   network providers. This doesn’t make sense. “We have
                         adequate investment. The sector is capital intensive.   agreed with operators that in such cases, we remove
                         Mr.  Muzhuzha  said failure to operate  attracted   the other two and relocate them elsewhere and Potraz
                         cancellation  by the regulator.  “We cancelled  close   will fund the relocation exercise. “This will ensure there
                         to 10. We had quite a number of licenses for Internet   is no duplication of infrastructure. “If  infrastructure
                         access providers  at  some point,  but Potraz  had to   is shared, operators will compete to provide services
                         cancel most of them for failing to operate. When you   which will be cheaper to consumers as well,” said Mr.
                         get a license you should roll out and provide service   Muzhuzha.
                         to the consumers. “Potraz has not created monopolies   (June 8, 2020)

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                         nology News updates, Snapshot of Regulatory News SAMENA Countries, Regulatory News beyond SAMENA region and Wholesale News updates
                         have been obtained from sources, which we deem reliable. SAMENA Telecommunications Council is not liable for any misinformed decisions that the
                         reader may reach by being solely reliant on information contained herein. Expert advice should be sought.

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