Page 109 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 109


        Vodafone UK Showcases 5G SA Technology at Coventry University

        British  mobile  network  operator  (MNO)
        Vodafone  UK  has  announced  that,  one
        year on from its launch of 5G services, it
        has  begun  to  showcase  the  next  phase
        of the technology.  To  that  end,  the
        cellco  revealed in  a  press  release that
        it  had launched  a  new 5G  standalone
        (SA)  network  at  Coventry  University,  in
        partnership Ericsson, MediaTek, OPPO and
        Qualcomm. According to Vodafone UK the
        new network ‘will be used to show the true
        benefits of 5G, including ultra-low latency,
        guaranteed  speed  performance, and the
        Internet of Things on a never-before-seen
        scale’.  Coventry  University  will  reportedly
        use the new 5G SA network to trial state-of-
        the-art virtual reality learning technologies
        to support training  for student nurses
        and allied health professionals, as part of
        its  ambition to be the leading  university   Learning  Lab and National Transport   with initial coverage of seven cities. Since
        for 5G-enabled  technology.  Meanwhile,   Design Centre. It claimed that this indoor   then, Vodafone UK claims to have reached
        to further  support the  university’s 5G   technology will deliver fast, high-capacity   a further 37 locations with the technology,
        ambitions, Vodafone UK noted that it has   5G in key buildings. As previously reported   while   having   ‘massively   expanded’
        also installed Ericsson’s  5G Radio Dot   by CommsUpdate, Vodafone UK switched   coverage in launch cities.
        System in the university’s Disruptive Media   on its 5G NSA network back in July 2019,

        Ericsson Wins Contract in the UAE to Upgrade Thuraya’s Core Network to 5G

        Ready Infrastructure

        UAE  based  mobile  satellite  services   leader in  deploying new technologies  to   strengthening  our partner's  position  and
        operator,  Thuraya,  has  signed  an  enable high-quality mobile broadband   support  them to introduce  4G  and 5G
        agreement  with Ericsson  to modernize   solutions,” said Adnan Al Muhairi, deputy   ready core, allowing its users to enjoy the
        and upgrade its  core network  to a  4G   chief technical officer of Thuraya. Ericsson   benefits  of  4G  and  5G  technology  in  the
        and 5G ready infrastructure. The Swedish   will  also  migrate  the  existing  Thuraya   future. Thuraya’s upgrade to a virtualized
        tech  giant will  modernize and optimize   users to  the new  platform and oversee   core, will  certainly provide a  higher-
        Thuraya's  network to a  virtualized core   its integration with existing systems. The   quality  experience  for  end  users  while
        that  supports  existing  and  new  features   operator's mobile-data users,  especially   streamlining  their network operations,”
        and services in  the future.  The deal will   those in remote locations or areas where   said  Wojciech  Bajda,  head  of  Ericsson
        ensure that  Thuraya  can continue to   traffic  is  dense,  will  benefit  from  higher   Gulf Council  Countries. The upgrade  will
        offer its  users the best possible user   availability  and reliability.  As a  result,   include  deployment of virtual  Evolved
        experience  in  the  most  efficient  way.  "By   Thuraya  can provide consumers  more   Packet Core Network, using  network
        modernizing  Thuraya’s core network,   flexible  and  easy-to-use  communication   functions virtualization, including Ericsson
        we are looking to build its  resilience   services integrated with various terminals,   Cloud  Packet  Core,  Cloud  Unified  Data
        and enhance overall  performance. This   which will  work  seamlessly  when they   Management  and Ericsson NFVI.    The
        would also improve other  key  aspects   move between different access points.  By   Virtual Evolved  Packet Core will provide
        like  guaranteeing  more  flexible,  reliable   selecting  Ericsson for the modernization   the  capacity  and  flexibility  to  cope  with
        and effective services.  Our strategy is to   of  its  existing  mobile-core,  Thuraya   network evolution  challenges.  For the
        make optimum use of existing assets and   extends its existing partnership, in which   network  management  aspects,  Ericsson
        invest in infrastructure upgrades  so that   Ericsson has been the sole vendor for its   Network Manager is deployed to manage
        the network is  ready to accommodate   circuit-switched  core network. “Ericsson   the virtual  network  functions  which
        Thuraya’s  Next  Generation  System.  We   and  Thuraya  have  enjoyed  many  years   will  secure the  automation  and provide
        have  a  longstanding partnership with   of successful  cooperation,  and we   operational efficiency when managing the
        Ericsson and acknowledge  them as  a   are  committed  to  support  in  further   network.
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