Page 106 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 106



        5G+X: Revamped Business Model for Leading Consumer

        Telecom Operators to a Healthy Market Cycle

           Proliferation  of  5G is only  going  to make
           consumers rely more on connectivity and not
           just  simple connectivity but  a connectivity

           which is making newer experiences possible.
           We call this “5G+X” model where 5G provides
           low latency & high bandwidth connectivity and
           “X” stands for new services which operators
           can monetize.

        During the last 12 months we saw multiple operators in Middle East
        announcing  commercial launches  of 5G Networks. Initially  these
        5G  launches  were  very  much  focused  on  fixed  wireless  access  to
        complement  their Fibre Home broadband  offerings as  5G  provided
        them with a capability to offer high speed broadband access to areas
        with no fibre deployment. Now, we are reaching a point where 5G is
        ready for more ubiquitous use by smartphone users. Many operators
        in  Middle  East  have  already  covered  central  business  districts  &
        residential areas in key cities with 5G sites. 5G enabled smartphones
        are  being launched  every  month by  popular handset vendors.
        Compared to the same time last year when there were only a few costly
        options of 5G smartphones, now consumers have over 20 options of
        5G smartphones to choose from and that too at varied price points.
        Cheapest 5G handsets are now available in Middle East for below 500
        dollars.                                                    Anjian
                                                                    President of Carrier Networks Business Group
        One thing we must keep in view is that compared to the difference
        between 2 earlier generations, 5G does not just mean more speed or   Huawei Middle East
        bandwidth than what 4G is providing. The change to be brought by 5G
        is much more than that. 4G networks have their limitations as it cannot
        support new experiences and the fast developing digital ecosystem.
        5G, on the other hand is an enabler of a truly connected world with
        countless new services and that means newer business models, new
        revenue streams & more monetization opportunities for operators.

        “5G+X”: Enabling New Revenue Streams for Operators
        Past decade has made Mobile Data connectivity an essential part of
        our lives. It is hard to think of a world where we are not constantly
        connected.  We consume  content, attend online  meetings  and play
        games on the go any  time anywhere we want.  Proliferation of 5G

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