Page 104 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 104


        Canary Wharf Group, Virgin Media and Cisco Announce First-Ever Commer-

        cial Deployment of OpenRoaming for New Residents of the Canary Wharf


        Canary Wharf Group (CWG), owner of one   been more important for those working and   businesses,  what was  once  deemed  ‘the
        the largest  business centres  in  Europe,   living in the area, as well as those visiting   future of work’ became  a reality  almost
        together with Cisco and Virgin Media, have   for work and leisure. In Canary Wharf, Virgin   overnight.  As businesses  now accelerate
        announced the first European commercial   Media  has  recently  expanded  its  gigabit   to a digitized and automated  future,
        deployment of OpenRoaming for residents   capable  network, connecting  more than   OpenRoaming  and Wi-Fi  6 will  play a
        on the Canary Wharf estate. Combining the   1,000 homes over the past year. This is part   critical  role  in  that  journey.  In  the  next
        convenience of mobile roaming with Wi-Fi 6   of a wider plan to connect more than 4,000   normal, strengthened digital infrastructure
        connectivity, OpenRoaming allows devices   homes in the area and provide connectivity   and robust cybersecurity are fundamental
        to connect  securely and automatically   to public spaces. New residents can also   to recovery and growth. They provide the
        to Wi-Fi  networks  and roam seamlessly   benefit  from  a  pre-installation  service   foundations  for  businesses  to  benefit  in
        from one hotspot to another  without   which allows  them to be connected  the   the digital economy,” said David Meads,
        the  need  for  the  user  to  log  in.  The  joint   same day they move into their apartments   Chief Executive, Cisco UK and Ireland. “We
        initiative will also provide up to four times   on  the  Canary Wharf estate. “In today’s   are proud  to be partnering  with Canary
        faster wireless speeds by deploying Cisco   environment  connectivity  is akin to a   Wharf Group and Virgin Media to develop
        Meraki  Wi-Fi  6  access points, along with   critical utility.  Our  commercial, retail  and   the future vision for this iconic  site and
        sophisticated location-based analytics to   residential  customers  are demanding   to  enable  next-generation  experiences
        allow its clients to build unique services for   access to world-class digital infrastructure   for Canary  Wharf’s  customers,  residents
        their customers. At a time when almost all   and  next-generation  connectivity,”  said   and  shoppers.”  WBA  OpenRoaming  is  a
        organizations are considering  new ways   Shobi Khan, Chief Executive, Canary Wharf   Wireless  Broadband  Alliance  federation
        of operating their business, OpenRoaming   Group. “Canary Wharf Group is committed   that  includes  trusted identity providers,
        will  enable  seamless and highly  secured   to creating an estate-wide environment in   allowing  users  to  join  any  network  that
        onboarding to Wi-Fi  and dramatically   which businesses can thrive. The rollout of   is  part  of  the federation. It  enables  the
        improve  efficiencies  for  the  more  than   Wi-Fi 6 and OpenRoaming is a vital part of   network to securely auto-authenticate end
        20,000   businesses,   entrepreneurs,  our continuously evolving user experience   user devices by using established identity
        independent  retailers,  bars,  cafes,  for residents and visitors. We’re delighted   providers, such  as  the user’s  service
        workspaces, and even the school that will   to work with Cisco and Virgin Media to   provider  or device  manufacturer.  Proven
        be  based in Wood  Wharf.  OpenRoaming   deliver this.”  Jeanie York, Virgin  Media’s   as a concept for the first time in February
        aims  to  provide  the  benefits  of  Wi-Fi  6   Chief Technology and Information Officer,   2019,  with  attendees  from around  the
        connectivity  to  residents  of  CWG’s  first   added:  “Now  more than ever people   world  at  MWC  Barcelona,  the  network
        build to  rent building from  Vertus  at  10   are relying on our services to  help stay   technology has now been tested in some
        George Street, and homeowners  at  10   connected  to loved ones,  for work, to   of the most challenging  environments
        Park Drive, CWG’s first for sale residential   keep  informed  and  stay  entertained.  By   – including  Orkney, one  of the remotest
        property, both at Wood Wharf. Wood Wharf,   providing  a  seamless and highly secure   parts  of  the  UK.  The  deployment  of
        Canary Wharf’s new district, is a five million   Wi-Fi platform, users can take their Wi-Fi   OpenRoaming at Canary Wharf follows the
        sq.  ft  mixed-use  development  of  over   connection with them on the go, bringing   completion  of a  successful  commercial
        3,000 new homes, including two million sq.   them closer to the things and people that   trial.  OpenRoaming  is now backed  by a
        ft of world-class commercial space. With   matter most. Network innovations like this   global Wi-Fi federation of WBA members,
        OpenRoaming,  residents  can take their   give us a taste of the future of connectivity   including:  Airmesh,  Airties, Aprecomm,
        secure and trusted Wi-Fi connection with   and  are  delivering  real  benefits  for   American  Tower,  Aptilo,  AT&T,  Boingo
        them when they walk out of their front door,   consumers.” CWG will also help landlords   Wireless,  Broadcom  Inc,  Cisco,  Cityroam,
        through  the  apartment buildings,  across   and tenants to understand how their real   Comcast,  Commscope,  Deutsche
        the Canary Wharf estate and even into the   estate is being used, with data analytics to   Telekom,  Eduroam, Eleven Software,
        Tube station.  This  seamless connectivity   drive efficiency in workspace design using   GlobalReachTechnology, Google, Hub One,
        will  become  more  prevalent  in  the future   Cisco DNA Spaces. This solution enables   Hughes Systique Corp,  Intel Corporation,
        and will help provide highly secured Wi-Fi   over-the-top use cases such as location-  IT&E,  m3connect,  Nomosphere,  Orange,
        connectivity on the move. As a new normal   based services, end user engagement   Purple  Wifi,  Samsung,  Single  Digits,  Sun
        begins, the ability to connect securely and   and  wayfinding  to  enable  individuals  to   Global, Veniam, Virgin Media, WiFiCoin and
        automatically across retail, residential and   find the meeting room or retail store they   Zephyrtel.
        guest corporate  environments  has never   are  looking  for.  “This  year,  for  many  UK

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