Page 113 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 113


        New Data Highlights Enterprise Wi-Fi 6 and 5G Opportunities

        A new report from management consulting powerhouse Deloitte   innovative use cases they would like to target.
        highlights  the growing opportunity for service providers with   •  More than  8  in  10  cited advanced wireless connectivity  as
        Enterprise  Wi-Fi  6  and  5G.  Businesses  will  spend  heavily  on   “very” or “extremely important” to their organization’s ability
        these advanced wireless networking technologies over the next   to take full advantage of AI, edge computing, IoT, cloud and big
        three years, according to Deloitte’s  forecast.  Organizations will   data analytics.
        spend  an estimated $115.7  million over that period,  with 86%   •  Respondents rank data speed (63%), resilience and reliability
        of  networking  executives  saying  that  advanced  wireless  will   (62%) as well as security of networks and data (61%) as the
        transform their organizations about the same  amount (87%)   most important factors of success with advanced wireless.
        expect  advanced  wireless  technologies  to  create  significant   Businesses will be turning to their trusted technology partners for
        competitive advantages for their companies.  More than three   strategy, implementation, and ongoing support with this growing
        quarters (76%) expect 5G to be a “critical” networking technology   interest in advanced wireless networking technology. It presents
        for their  company  in three  years, while 70% feel  the  same way   a real opportunity for service providers to play that role. ETI can
        about Wi-Fi  6.  Advanced  wireless technologies  are gaining in   help our clients better seize this opportunity.  We have a portfolio
        strategic  importance  as  respondents  expect  their  use  of  5G   of products and services, from next generation service fulfillment
        and Wi-Fi 6 to more than double over the next three years and   and subscriber  management,  to network automation and
        their use of 4G LTE  and Wi-Fi  (5  and below)  to lessen,  but not   professional services, all of which can be put to work in support
        disappear, according to Deloitte analysts.  “Our survey confirms   of client initiatives. Contact us to start a dialogue on how we can
        that networking executives are ‘all in’ when it comes to adopting   help you monetize this opportunity.
        the latest  wireless technologies,” said Dan Littmann, principal,
        technology, media and telecommunications, Deloitte Consulting
        LLP, in a prepared  statement. “Respondents  resoundingly  view
        advanced  wireless technologies  as  a  key  enabler  of AI,  Cloud
        and Analytics-based innovations. The Covid-19 pandemic itself
        may even accelerate demand for automation that enables social
        distancing  in the workplace  and relies on a  more robust  and
        powerful network infrastructure.”
        Among other survey findings:
        •  57%  of  network  executives  believe  their  company’s  current
           networking infrastructure prevents them from addressing the

        Magenta 5G Reaches 600 Locations

        Full-service provider Magenta Telekom,   businesses. By the end of the year the total   standards (4G  and 5G) in one  frequency
        which was  formed  last  year from the   coverage will increase to 1,200 locations,   band at the same location. Between 2018
        merger of wireless operator  T-Mobile   representing  almost 40% of homes  and   and 2021 Magenta plans to invest around
        Austria  and  cableco  UPC  Austria,  has   businesses. Magenta Telekom noted that   EUR1  billion  (USD1.1  billion)  in  its  fixed
        announced  that its 5G network  is now   it  is  implementing Dynamic Spectrum   and mobile infrastructure across the entire
        active at 600 locations across the country,   Sharing  (DSS) to enable  the parallel   country.
        covering 25% of Austrian homes and   operation of two mobile communications

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