Page 102 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 102


                                              WHOLESALE NEWS

        Telia Offers 5G Roaming Between Sweden, Norway and Finland

        Sweden’s Telia Company has launched 5G roaming between its
        subsidiaries in Sweden, Norway and Finland. To use the service,
        customers  need  a  5G-ready subscription  and smartphone,  and
        they need to be in an area where there is 5G coverage. The firm
        says it will expand roaming to cover its operations in Denmark,
        Estonia  and Lithuania once  5G  services become  available  in
        those countries. Telia is also in dialogue with several international
        operators to establish bilateral 5G roaming beyond Scandinavia
        and  the  Baltic  region.  Thomas  Moe,  Head  of  Roaming  at  Telia
        Company, commented:  ‘Travelling is  currently limited due to
        Corona. But this is about laying the groundwork for the future and
        we have now taken an important first step by launching 5G roaming
        between Finland, Norway and Sweden. We want to be able to offer
        our customers the best possible customer experience, regardless
        of which country they visit.’

        GCRA Confirms MTR Reductions

        A new decision  on mobile  termination   much  closer  approximation  of  Guernsey   has confirmed the regulatory direction will
        rates  (MTRs)  has  been  confirmed  by  the   Mobile Network  Operator (MNO)  costs   apply  from  1  September  2020,  at  which
        Guernsey  Competition  and Regulatory   of  terminating calls  on their respective   date MTRs for all three domestic MNOs –
        Authority (GCRA), which had previously   mobile networks  and is  more closely   JT Guernsey, Sure Guernsey and Guernsey
        launched  a consultation  on  its proposals   aligned with the prevailing level of MTRs in   Airtel  –  will  be  reduced  to  GBP0.0311
        in April 2020.  As per the regulator’s   neighboring jurisdictions’. With the GCRA   (USD0.039) per minute. Further cuts to the
        statutory notice  of a  decision, it  said it   having  reportedly considered  all issues   rate are scheduled,  meanwhile, with it to
        was setting out ‘the revised price control   raised by respondents  to its  April 2020   fall  to  GBP0.011  per  minute  from  1  June
        applicable to  Guernsey  MTRs  so  as  to   consultation,  it  said  it  did not  consider   2021, while a final reduction will see it drop
        bring  MTRs down to a level that, based   that  any of the matters raised would   to GBP0.007 per minute from 1 June 2022.
        on the available evidence, is likely to be a   require it  to amend its  plans.  As such,  it

        Chorus  Announces  Wholesale  Fiber  Price  Cuts,  Lockdown  Debt  Support


        New  Zealand-based  wholesale  fixed  line   fiber pricing will be cut by NZD3 a month   while still enabling ongoing investment in
        provider Chorus has updated retail service   to NZD52. Chorus  previously announced   infrastructure.  ‘We are  conscious  of the
        providers (RSPs) on planned changes to the   in March  that the  annual regulated CPI   critical role Chorus infrastructure  played
        pricing of its wholesale fiber products over   increase to fiber products will be delayed   during  the  lockdown,  and we believe this
        the next three months, as well as details   until 1  October  2020,  at  which point the   mix of pricing changes will support RSPs,
        of a NZD2 million (USD1.29 million) fund   price for 100Mbps fiber will increase from   allow Chorus to continue to invest in the
        to provide relief  for RSPs who chose  not   NZD46 to NZD47.15. The reduced pricing   capacity, reach and resilience of the fiber
        to cut off customers who were unable to   and  delayed  increase  are  expected  to   network, and also enable more customers
        pay during the COVID-19 lockdown. Under   deliver savings of around  NZD10  million   to benefit from higher specification plans,’
        the plans gigabit wholesale pricing will be   to RSPs. Chorus CEO JB Rousselot claims   he said.
        reduced  from NZD60 a  month  to NZD56   the changes  strike the right balance
        from 1  July 2020, while small  business   between  passing on savings to RSPs,
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