Page 98 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 98



        China Mobile International: Enabling Connection of All

        Sorts of “Things” at an Unprecedented Scale

                                China Mobile International has established a strong framework for the
                                development of internet-of-things (IoT) ecosystems, readying itself in a
                                segment poised for massive future growth. And with 5G starting to take

                                shape, it is well-prepared to handle the predicted surge in connections.

        China Mobile International (CMI)  and  its   billion,  according  to  figures  in  a  recent   can help  wholesale and enterprise
        parent company have sought  to go large   Ericsson report. Among these, cellular IoT   customers  to rapidly grasp opportunities
        with  their concept  of “big connectivity”   connections are forecast to quadruple over   in the IoT sector is  through  its ability  to
        in the past few years, capitalising on the   the same time period to just over 4 billion.  offer a single point of contact and contract.
        growing digitalisation of a whole array of                               “The simplest way [to gain access to the
        “things”.                            And  given  the  significant  traction  the   market]  is  to  have  one contract  with  one
                                             company  has gained  in its domestic IoT   carrier that  provides global connectivity
        Big connectivity is ramping up further as   market,  CMI  can  harness  the  extensive   through a single platform,” he says. “The
        5G makes its debut in a rising number of   learnings  it has gained  from that in   single-contract  and  single-platform
        countries around the world, in preparation   delivering  services to carrier customers   approach  helps enterprise  customers
        for the widening variety of applications the   – something it  is  supplementing  by   reduce  complexity  in  terms  of  mobile
        new technology enables internationally in   strengthening  its  capabilities  through   connectivity.”
        the internet-of-things (IoT) and machine-  investing in systems, platform and human
        to-machine  (M2M) arenas. Indeed,  CMI   resources.                      The   IoT  connectivity  management
        parent China Mobile’s commercial launch                                  platform offered under  CMI’s  iConnect
        of 5G in its  own domestic  market in   While the company’s main market is   offering is provided on dedicated network
        November  2019 promised  to lend further   China, it has also been expanding its work   infrastructure aimed at  supplying fast,
        impetus to its IoT offering.         overseas to capitalise on the opportunity it   smooth and comprehensive 4G  coverage
                                             sees for big connectivity on a wider scale.   throughout  China,  along with 2G, 3G and
        The company has  already put  itself  in   A key target for this are the “Belt and Road”   4G global roaming.
        a  strong  position to  provide services to   countries  of Asia, Africa and Europe,  in
        customers  in  this  burgeoning  sector,  as   line with its  domestic market’s national   The  IoT  connectivity
        seen in the surge in growth in the offerings   strategy to boost land and maritime   management   platform
        it has. By the end of  2019, China Mobile   infrastructure between the regions.   offered  under     CMI’s
        had 884 million IoT customers, with the
        number  almost  doubling  year-on-year.   Considering  these trends in  addition to   iConnect  offering  is
        In  the  first  half  of  2019,  meanwhile,  the   China Mobile’s  position as  the world’s   provided  on  dedicated
        company saw  its  IoT-derived  revenue   largest mobile  operator, with close to a
        rise more than 40  per cent year-on-year,   billion  customers,  and  CMI’s  extensive   network  infrastructure
        reaching over RMB5 billion (£550 million).  network, the company has a major part to   aimed at supplying  fast,
                                             play in enabling the connection of all sorts
        Wider industry  forecasts also  indicate   of “things” at an unprecedented scale.   smooth and comprehensive
        the market’s huge  potential. Total IoT                                     4G coverage  throughout
        connections  worldwide  are,  for  example,   Single point of contact       China, along  with  2G, 3G
        predicted  to rise 160  per cent  between   Andrew  Niu,  chief  partnership  officer  at
        2018 and 2024, from 8.6  billion to 22.3   CMI, says one way in which the company   and 4G global roaming.

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