Page 25 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 25
Omantel Partners with Elevatus to Assess Generation Z Talent
Omantel became the first company in Oman to videos, and the latest in technology, to get to know and meet the needs of
strategically partner with Elevatus, to leverage the growing Generation Z. By rolling out a single assessment from Elevatus'
and utilize its video assessment solution that is leading AI solution, Omantel was able to achieve a remarkable 80% conversion
powered by AI. With over 2,400 employees, the highly rate, denoting that a vast majority of the applicants successfully engaged and
acclaimed and leading telecommunication company submitted their applications for the internship program in a few days only.
used the innovative AI technology to assess a mass "In this digital era, we are at the epicenter of agility and innovation. However,
number of applicants for an internship program. every advanced technology needs an agile team behind it. Omantel's team
Elevatus is a renowned AI solution provider, that is of leaders and forward-looking managers, seamlessly engaged, adapted
helping businesses worldwide boost their success and utilized EVA-SSESS innovatively throughout the entire process, to yield
and improve the quality of their decisions with lucrative results. They wholeheartedly immersed themselves in the solution, to
cutting edge and advanced technology. Elevatus significantly enhance the experience for both Generation Z and recruiters. We
provides groundbreaking AI solutions that are helping believe that the success of any cutting-edge technology is highly dependent
businesses in various industries centralize all their on how users engage, interact and utilize it. And we are pleased to see how
core processes, and remotely assess, hire, train, our innovative technology is accelerating and enhancing the way teams and
educate and survey a mass number of applicants companies interact with users, to navigate through the assessment process
with ease. The two companies joined forces in an with ease," said Yara Burgan, CEO of Elevatus. From this lucrative and full fruit
effort to help Omantel deliver on their initiative partnership, Omantel boosted their ROI by 3X and managed to speed up the
of acquiring top talent, engaging employees, and assessment process by a massive 83% (12X faster). Omantel is utilizing the
leveraging innovation and digital transformation. video assessment solution, EVA-SSESS, to successfully meet its innovative
With Elevatus' advanced video assessment solution, vision and core values of delivering quality services. The company managed
Omantel was able to roll out a video assessment and to incrementally speed up the assessment process, filter a mass number of
evaluate more than 2,300 applicants remotely, for an applicants, and select the most qualified candidates for its wide variety of
internship program tailored specifically to Generation divisions.
Z, all within a short span of one to two weeks. Ibtihal
Mohammed Al Riyami, General Manager Organization
planning at Omantel said: "Omantel takes pride in
being a market leader that continuously strives to
adopt new innovative initiatives in the market. We
are rolling out unique, intensive, and interactive
training programmes that are designed to enable new
Generation Z talent to participate, contribute, and play
a vital role in building the future of Oman. Generation
Z seek opportunities that are both progressive and
unique, and by utilizing new innovative tools like EVA-
SSESS, we are able to brilliantly connect and engage
with this young generation." With great fervency,
the telecom giant is harnessing the power of AI,
Omantel Wins Best Digital Transformation Leadership GCC 2021 Award
At Omantel, strategy and service go hand in its trusted digital enabler, has driven Oman
hand, leading to success for the Company to be among a host of Gulf Cooperation
and convenience for its customers. Council (GCC) states at the vanguard of
Recognizing the Company’s service to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and is fast
nation during the COVID-19 pandemic by way turning its digital transformation goals into
of accelerating digital technology’s reach to reality. Omantel is embedding futuristic
businesses in the region, the Capital Finance communications and network technology
International magazine ( has conferred into every aspect of the nation’s functioning
Omantel with the Best Digital Transformation through smart solutions, the Internet of
Leadership (GCC) Award, 2021. The award Things “IoT”, Artificial Intelligence and other
further emphasizes Omantel’s position as frontier technologies. The award categorically
the market leader that puts the country first. recognizes the efforts of Omantel as it rose
Omantel, the Sultanate’s leading integrated from just being a telecom company to be an
telecommunications services provider and ally in the Omani government’s fight against
25 JUN-AUG 2021