Page 28 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 28
Orange Jordan Launches a Comprehensive Plan
to Continue Developing Its Mobile and Internet
Orange Jordan recently implemented distinguished internet services via fiber download capacity that equal the upload
a comprehensive plan to enhance the optics, at very high speeds of up to 1000 capacity, with unlimited use to benefit from
performance of its mobile and Internet Mbps. In regards to the coverage of its the strong and wide coverage everywhere,
networks across the Kingdom, launching several mobile networks, the company where homes covered by this service
the Nothing Can Stop Me campaign to explained that it has worked to establish reached over 618,000. Orange Jordan
affirm that it provides Internet at high 25 new mobile sites, to expand its network added that this campaign embodies its
speeds and efficiency to its subscribers coverage and that it succeeded in covering commitment to provide the best in the
using all networks, in line with their Amman with 4G+ services, it achieved local telecommunications sector and
aspirations and to meet all their needs remarkable development in its coverage providing modern technologies while
under any circumstances, since it is the across the Kingdom, where the coverage ensuring its services are in line with
preferred operator for online learning, rate of 3G and 4G reached more than the huge development taking place in
watching movies, series, online matches, 98%, It also indicated that subscribers this sector worldwide by strengthening
and online games. In a press release have the best coverage indoors. The the infrastructure necessary to support
issued by the company, Orange Jordan company affirmed that the broadband Orange's advanced solutions, taking
said that the campaign focuses on internet services maintain their leading into consideration the diverse needs of
advanced 4G+ internet services, as it was position in this field, whereas Orange people and institutions, as it constantly
the first to launch this technology in the Jordan managed to achieve tangible develops its offerings to suit the variables
Kingdom and the Middle East at a speed success in spreading its Fiber network to of practical and daily life.
of up to 250 Mbps, in addition to providing provide high-speed internet services and
Zain Group Posts a 5% Increase in Net Profit in
Kuwait-based telecoms group Zain has 2021. In Kuwait subscribers decreased
published its consolidated financial 4% y-o-y to 2.4 million, while the Saudi
results for the six months ended 30 Arabian unit served 7.4 million subscribers
June 2021, reporting a 3% decrease in (up 4% y-o-y). Zain Sudan’s subscriber
revenues year-on-year to KWD750 million base stood at 17 million at 30 June 2021,
(USD2.5 billion), while EBITDA decreased up 8% y-o-y. Zain Iraq, meanwhile, saw its
6% annually to KWD310 million. The customer base increase 7% y-o-y to serve
company booked a net profit of KWD86 16.1 million users at mid-2021, while the
million in the six months under review, user base in Jordan reached 3.5 million
up 5% y-o-y, with net income for the (3.4 million in 2Q20). Mr. Bader Nasser
second quarter of 2021 increasing by 17% Al-Kharafi, Zain Vice-Chairman and Group
y-o-y (KWD41 million). Further, foreign CEO, commented: ‘The robust growth
currency translation impact – mainly due witnessed during Q2 2021 reaffirms the
to currency devaluations in Sudan and success of the ‘4Sight’ strategy and digital
Iraq – cost the group USD378 million in transformation set forth by the Board and
revenue and USD233 million in EBITDA. executive management to invest heavily
Zain Group invested USD491 million in and focus on monetizing our 4G, FTTH
CAPEX (20% of revenues), predominantly and 5G networks, while seeking new
in expansion of fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) business verticals and revenue streams.
infrastructure, spectrum license fees, 4G Our excellent performance is even more
upgrades and new network sites across satisfying when one considers the
its markets, and 5G rollouts in Kuwait, unavoidable currency devaluations in Iraq
Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. In operational and Sudan, which had considerable impact
terms, Zain Group reported a consolidated on the financials.’
customer base of 48.3 million at 30 June
28 JUN-AUG 2021