Page 20 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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capabilities, while realizing the overall objectives of the company. boards of Al Yah Satellite Communications Company (Yahsat),
Inspired by the continuous support and wise leadership of the UAE Space Agency, and Etihad Aviation Group. He held leading
the UAE, Etisalat will continue deploying the latest innovative positions throughout his career including the CEO of Yahsat for
technologies to enrich the digital experience of customers and about a decade, and the Vice President at Mubadala’s Information
communities, bringing the country to the forefront in global and Communications Technology (ICT) unit. Additionally, he
ICT ranking.” With over 20 years of experience, Masood has a served on the boards of Emirates Integrated Telecommunications
proven accomplishment record with vast knowledge in telecom Company (Du), among other expertise gained in positions at Dubai
and technology. His expertise in both operational and financial Investment Group and the Executive Office of the Government of
industry led to developing high performing teams, establishing Dubai. He holds an MBA with a concentration in Finance from
a creative work culture, and setting development strategies that McGill University in Canada, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer
elevated business performance. Masood currently serves on the Systems Engineering from Boston University in the United States.
Etisalat Partners with the Global Manufacturing and Industrialization
Summit to Accelerate 5G Deployment and Advance Industrial Growth
The Global Manufacturing and Industrialization Summit (GMIS) by further automating factory floors, developing smarter supply
and Etisalat have announced a partnership to accelerate the chains and improving industrial productivity. As the roll out of 5G
deployment of the fifth generation of wireless networks (5G) to networks accelerate, it is also expected to spur significant societal
promote digital transformation both in the United Arab Emirates progress, making healthcare services more accessible, enhancing
and globally. As a strategic partner to the Global Manufacturing and crop production, reducing carbon emissions and improving public
Industrialization Summit, Etisalat will share best practices from service delivery. #GMIS2021 will explore the rising importance
its experience in rolling 5G communication networks and offering of 5G in the manufacturing sector and highlight the evolving
advanced technology solutions to businesses and governments. mechanisms of interaction between and among humans and
This strategic partnership will benefit from Etisalat’s expertise machines in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The
in 5G and accelerating digital transformation in all sectors Summit will organize a special session on the potential of 5G to drive
while enhancing operational efficiency. Etisalat was the first to improvements in climate action, sustainable energy generation,
launch 5G network in the UAE and the region, and contributed to economic growth and social development. Badr Al-Olama, Head
UAE’s capital being ranked among the top 3 fastest 5G capitals of the GMIS Organizing Committee said: “The industrial world is
worldwide. The summit will benefit from the participation of the at the forefront of an unprecedented digital transformation as
leading telco group Etisalat as well as the expertise of Etisalat organizations transition to the next generation of networks and
Digital and its role in accelerating digital transformation to technology systems. Digital solutions and 5G is at the very center
explore how 5G, in combination with Fourth Industrial Revolution of this transformation. We are delighted to welcome Etisalat as
technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing a #GMIS2021 strategic partner and as a leading player in digital
and the Internet of Things, will usher in a new era of innovation transformation providing the latest and most innovative solutions
for the manufacturing sector, strengthen global supply chain and services. We look forward to jointly spearheading discussions
networks, promote sustainable economic growth and contribute on the future of this revolutionary technology.” Under the theme
to the UAE’s newly-launched industrial strategy. Commenting on ‘Rewiring Societies: Repurposing Digitalization for Prosperity’,
this partnership, Dr. Ahmed bin Ali, Group Senior Vice President, #GMIS2021 will draw on key global leaders from government,
Corporate Communications, Etisalat said: “Digital technology and business and civil society to discuss and debate how data and
5G networks generate enormous economic and social value, and connectivity are shaping the future of the manufacturing sector
they can digitally transform every aspect of industrial operation – while presenting opportunities for investments in technology,
from production to service delivery. Through its strategy of ‘Driving innovation and industrialization. The Summit will organize panel
the digital future to empower societies’, Etisalat is committed to discussions, plenary sessions and interactive workshops on
developing cutting-edge digital communication infrastructure to topics such as dark factories vs smart factories, Government
build more resilient societies and sustainable industries with more 5.0, Society 5.0, women in leadership and the UAE’s Operation
than four decades of its digital experience across industries. We 300bn strategy, which aims to expand the nation’s industrial
are proud to partner with an international platform like GMIS and sector and accelerate economic diversification over the next
support the expansion of the UAE’s fast-growing and diversified decade. In addition, #GMIS2021 will host three Global Panorama
industrial landscape.” Etisalat provides telecom and technology sessions and dedicated side-events focused on renewable energy
solutions to 156.1 million subscribers in 16 countries across production, strengthening bilateral relations between different
the Middle East, Asia and Africa. In 2016, Etisalat announced a countries and harnessing technological innovation to solve the
partnership with Expo 2020, making it the first commercial partner world’s toughest socio-economic challenges. The Summit will
to use 5G network in the region. In 2018, Etisalat launched the first run an exhibition to highlight the UAE government’s ‘Make it in
commercial 5G network in the UAE and in 2020 was also ranked the Emirates’ campaign, a first-of-its-kind initiative to encourage
the fastest mobile network globally. Driven by faster data speeds, local and international investors, developers and innovators to
higher device density and lower latency, 5G mobile networks are benefit from the facilities and incentives offered by the country’s
expected to fundamentally transform manufacturing processes industrial sector.
20 JUN-AUG 2021