Page 108 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 108


        Saudi Arabia’s CITC Reviews Telecom Services in Touristic Regions

        Saudi  Arabia’s  Communications  and
        Information  Technology  Commission
        (CITC)  has  carried  out  inspection  tours
        of  retail  shops  and  branches  of  telecom
        companies  in  coordination  with  relevant
        governmental  authorities  in  Taif,  Baha,
        Asir, and Jazan. Since the Saudi Summer
        Program  2021  was  launched  recently,
        these regions have been witnessing a large
        turnout  of  visiting  citizens  and  residents,
        leading  to an increase in demand for
        telecom  services.  CITC’s  inspections  aim
        to  measure  the  quality  of  coverage  and
        ensure  the  safety  of  frequencies.  The
        commission  directed  all  telecom  service
        providers to raise the level of services in
        these regions to cope with the increasing
        demand.  It  also  formed  technical  teams
        to write daily reports on the performance
        of  networks  in  touristic  areas.  The
        inspections  are  part  of  CITC’s  efforts  to   and users’ experience, support the efforts   national  tourism  and  provide  quality
        improve  the  quality  of  telecom  services   of governmental authorities to encourage   services in tourist and recreational sites.

        Ethiopia Calls for Expressions of Interest in Ethio Telecom Stake Sale

        Ethiopia’s  Ministry  of  Finance   interest  in  acquiring  the  stake.
        (MoF)  and  the  Public  Enterprises   Following  the  issuance  of  the  EoI,
        Holding and Administration Agency   a  Request  for  Proposal  (RFP)  will
        (PEHAA)  have  announced  the   follow, with the timeline for this to
        completion  of  a  ‘key  milestone’   be  ‘communicated  in  due  course,
        in  the  partial  privatization  of  the   with  the  aim  of  completing  the
        country’s  incumbent  telco,  Ethio   transaction  in  an  efficient  and
        Telecom. In a press statement the   streamlined   manner’.   Deloitte
        government bodies confirmed that,   Consulting   Limited   has   been
        as  part  of  a  privatization  process   appointed  as  transaction  advisor,
        that began in 2018, the state is now   the  press  statement  also  noted,
        ready  to  release  an  Expression  of   with that company said to now be
        Interest (EoI) for the sale of a 40%   on the final stage of completing the
        stake  in  Ethio  Telecom.  According   preparatory  work,  which  includes
        to the MoF, the issuance of the EoI   ‘business  plan,  financial,  legal  and
        is  scheduled  for  today  (15  June),   tax  due  diligence  and  business
        with  international  investors  to   valuation  following  global  best
        be  given  until  14  July  to  confirm   practice’.

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