Page 112 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
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        infrastructure, digital services and data.  and  ecommerce  fulfillment  centers.   development, particularly as nations move
                                               The  public  sector  is  also  providing  a   away  from  resource-based  economic
        The emergence and evolution of the digital   similarly  seamless  digital  experience   models.  To  facilitate  this  transition,
        economy  is  characterized  by  three  key   through  initiatives  such  as  national   governments  and  policymakers  should
        trends that help us better understand the   government  service  portals,  national   focus  their  efforts  on  critical  enablers  of
        new economic construct:                digital identities, and more.     the  digital  economy.  As  such,  there  are
        1. Dominant Digital Business Models  3. The Rise of Industry Ecosystems  four  aspects  that  are  foundational  to  its
          The  digital economy  is often  referred   Traditional and linear value chains with   evolution,  addressing  them  head  on  will
          to  as  a  platform  economy,  where   limited  partner  engagement  are  now   multiply economic growth in the future:
          digital business models and platforms   giving  way  to  integrated  ecosystems   1. Digital Strategies and Regulations
          that  enable  them,  dominate.  In  some   that   use   software   platforms   to   The  digital  economy  requires  focused
          industries,  such  as  transportation   deliver  value,  create  resiliency,  and   attention,  tailored  strategies  and
          and  tourism,  digital  platforms  have   foster  innovation  through  connected   policymaking   efforts.   China,   for
          caused severe disruption to traditional   processes. For example, leading banks   example, has put significant emphasis
          models:  think  the  likes  of  Uber  and   engage  with  Financial  Technology   on  the  digital economy  in its national
          Airbnb. In sectors such as banking and   (FinTech)  players  to  enhance  services   strategy  for  2021–25  and  expects
          government, digital is now the primary   and innovate rapidly within the Financial   it  to  become  the  core  component
          mode  of  service  delivery,  leading  to   Services  Industry  (FSI).  Such  industry   fueling  its  commercial  transformation.
          branches and customer service centers   ecosystems thrive on data sharing and   The  country  plans  to  use  data  and
          closing down.                        use digital platforms for intercompany   applications  to  not  only  upgrade  and
        2. The  Shift from  Providing  Services to   collaboration and multiplied innovation.  transform traditional industries but also
          Creating Experience                                                       foster new business models.
          Organizations  differentiate  themselves   The Four Key Enablers  of the Digital   2. Digital Infrastructure
          by  creating  digital  experiences  for   Economy                         The   digital   economy   requires
          customers  in  the  digital  economy.  For   The global economy  is  on its  way  to   organizations   and   individuals   to
          example, today's leading retailers inspire   fulfilling  its  objectives—  more  than  65%   connect  seamlessly regardless of
          customer purchases by using AI-based,   of  global  Gross  Domestic  Product  (GDP)   their  location and  therefore relies on
          personalized  marketing  messages  as   is  predicted  to  be  digitalized  as  soon  as   robust, reliable, responsive, secure and
          well  as  delivering  in-store  and  online   2022.    Accelerated  investment  in  digital   scalable  digital  infrastructure.  Digital
          Augmented  Reality  (AR)  and  Virtual   transformation will further spur the creation   infrastructure,  today,  is  comprised  of
          Reality  (VR)  experiences.  They  create   of  digitally-enabled  products,  services   a  myriad  of technological  elements
          seamless digital and physical shopping   and  experiences  across  all  industries,   such  as  telecommunication  networks
          experiences through automated stores   significantly   impacting   economic   and  storage  infrastructure  —  including

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