Page 105 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 105


        EU Unveils Plan for New Digital ID Wallet

        The  European  Commission  on  Thursday   of a smartphone application to help citizens   that, you can decide how much data you
        unveiled  a  plan  to  provide  digital  wallets   navigate  cross-border  bureaucracy.  It   want  to  share”  only  enough  to  identify
        for the EU’s 450 million residents to store   could be used to open bank accounts, sign   yourself," she said from Brussels during a
        their  identity  documents.  According  to   apartment  leases  and  enroll  in  colleges   virtual media briefing. Some EU countries
        the proposal, EU citizens would be able to   abroad. The digital wallet "will enable us to   already  have  their  own  national  digital
        sign up voluntarily for the European Digital   do in any member state as we do at home   ID  systems.  Belgium  has  a  mandatory
        Identity  Wallets,  which  would  allow  them   without any extra cost and fewer hurdles,"   ID card that has a mobile app equivalent
        access to a wide range of public services   said  Margrethe  Vestager,  the  European   that is used to pay taxes, carry out bank
        and  store  official  documents.  Officials   Commission’s executive vice president for   transfers or request key documents from
        say the coronavirus pandemic has shown   digital. "And do this in a way that is secure   local  authorities.  The  Commission  plans
        the  need  to  have  a  way  of  recognizing   and transparent." Online platforms such as   to  discuss  the  wallet  with  EU  member
        paperwork  across  the  27-member  bloc.   Google or Facebook would be required to   countries  and  aims  to  get  them  to  agree
        Diplomats  last  month  signed  off  on  a   accept  the  wallet,  a  provision  that  aligns   on  technical  details  by  the  autumn  so
        digital green travel certificate, effectively a   with  the  commission’s  goal  of  reining  in   pilot  projects  can  begin.  But  before  it
        vaccine passport, as a means of reopening   big  tech  companies  and  their  control  of   becomes law, the proposal would be need
        travel  across  the  European  Union.  The   personal data. Vestager said people would   to approved by lawmakers in the European
        Commission, the EU executive body largely   be  able  to  use  their  EU  digital  wallets  to   Parliament and all 27 EU governments.
        responsible  for  proposing  legislation,   access  those  services,  instead  of  their
        intends for the wallets to come in the form   "platform-specific" accounts. "Because of

        UAE Telecom Regulator Updates Registration Requirements for Mobile Users

        The  Telecommunications  and  Digital  Government
        Regulatory Authority (TDRA) announced the release
        of  an  updated  version  of  the  Regulatory  Policy  on
        Registration  Requirements  for  mobile  consumers.
        The  updates  included  aspects  related  to  the
        registration of mobile SIM Cards point of sales (PoS),
        and  require  that  the  applicant  for  the  registration
        of  PoS  must  communicate  with  the  concerned
        licensee  to  obtain  a  no  objection  certificate  (NOC)
        that  includes  information  about  the  PoS  and  the
        sellers.  These  updates  reflect  TDRA’s  keenness  to
        ensure that customers obtain their mobile SIM cards
        through approved PoS that meet the standards set by
        TDRA. “TDRA is keen to launch and update policies
        that  control  the  relationship  between  the  customer,
        licensees  and  PoS,  to  preserve  the  rights  of  all
        parties, and secure advanced, modern and seamless
        services that achieve happiness and satisfaction of
        all customers in the ICT sector. The great and rapid
        development  in  the  ICT  sector  requires  us  to  work
        quickly and accurately to update relevant policies, in
        order to meet the increasing demand for the services
        provided by the sector,” said Eng. Saif Bin Ghelaita,
        Director  of  Technology  Development  Affairs.  TDRA
        carefully  monitors  the  performance  of  mobile  SIM
        Cards  PoS  in  the  UAE,  and  facilitates  the  process  and  the  provision  of  telecommunications  services  are  regulated  activities
        of  customers  obtaining  their  own  numbers  easily,  that can only be practiced by UAE licensees and their outlets, or by economic
        conveniently and safely. “In accordance with Federal  establishments that are commercially licensed and registered with TDRA,” said
        Law by Decree No. 3 of 2003 and its amendments,  Bin Ghelaita. As part of its responsibility for the telecommunications sector,
        (the  telecom  law)  and  the  Mobile  SIM  Card  PoS  TDRA’s teams conduct field visits to the PoS to ensure that they meet all the
        Registration  Policy,  the  sale  of  mobile  SIM  cards  conditions stipulated in the mobile SIM Cards PoS Policy.

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