Page 106 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 106


        Egypt Advances 54 Places on Telecommunications Regulatory Performance


        Egypt has advanced by 54 places on the latest Telecommunications
        Regulatory Performance Index, according to the latest report by the
        International Telecommunication Union. The annual report focused
        on the performance of telecom regulators around the world for the
        year 2020. In the international rankings, Egypt’s National Telecom
        Regulatory  Authority  (NTRA)  now  stands  at  41st  among  193
        countries compared to 95th in 2019. The NTRA also ranked second
        in  Africa  compared  to  19th  in  2019.  The  value  of  the  authority’s
        regulatory  performance  index  increased  to  88.5  points  out  of  a
        total  of  100  points  in  2020,  compared  to  74.5  points  in  2019.  In
        its evaluation, the report relied on four main axes. The first axis is
        organizational capacity, which shows the ability of regulators to take
        regulatory and reform decisions in the market, as well as the extent
        of the impartiality of the decisions it issues. The second axis relates
        to regulatory frameworks, and reflects the ability to govern services
        provided  in  the  market,  and  the  impact  of  the  issued  regulatory
        procedures on the development of the work system in the market.
        The third axis is related to organizational diversity, which shows the
        extent of the diversity of the regulatory tasks of the regulator and
        its participatory relationship with other government agencies. The
        fourth axis relates to competitiveness, which shows the extent of
        the ability to create an attractive competitive environment and open
        new  investment  horizons.  NTRA  CEO  Hossam  El-Gamal  said  that
        the improvement in the authority’s international ranking is a result
        of its efforts, initiatives, and regulatory frameworks issued during
        2020. These had a significant impact on raising Egypt’s international
        ranking, including the NTRA’s provision of new frequency bands to
        mobile companies in the TDD system. This served as a precedent
        in  the  Egyptian  market  to  raise  the  quality  of  communication
        services  provided  to  users.  All  import  services  and  licenses  were
        also provided electronically, and the freedom of choice for users of
        communication  services  was  enhanced.  This  was  encouraged  by
        the efforts to develop the service of transferring numbers between
        mobile  networks  to  take  place  within  24  hours.  In  addition,  the
        unified  code  *155#  was  launched  to  control  the  subscriptions
        to  or  cancelling  of  value-added  services.  Alongside  this,  there   will enhance Egypt’s leading role at international and regional
        were initiatives to encourage electronic payment methods, and to   levels in the field of telecommunications regulation. This will
        protect the rights of telecommunications services users. Moreover,   give the Egyptian telecommunications market more investment
        the principle of public consultations in introducing new regulatory   opportunities. It will also contribute to creating and providing
        frameworks was applied to benefit from the expertise of companies   an  attractive  investment  and  competitive  environment,  in
        and bodies operating in the Egyptian telecommunications market.   addition to supporting the speedy achievement of the digital
        El-Gamal pointed out that the advancement of the NTRA’s ranking   transformation process.

        Mauritania Looking to Tighten Internet Control

        The  President  of  Mauritania,  Mohamed  Ould  Ghazouani,  has   law which was passed in 2016. He claims online platforms are
        warned of a further tightening of state control of internet usage,   being used ‘to undermine public stability, spread false rumors or
        prompting  criticism  from  human  rights  bodies.  A  report  from   spread hatred and incite social groups against others. The law
        Ecofin says the President is looking to strengthen the cybercrime   has already been used to imprison bloggers and political activists.

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