Page 104 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 104


        Korea to Offer 5G Frequencies to Non-Telcos

        South Korea will offer additional frequency bands for further 5G
        deployment and non-telecom companies are eligible to join the
        bid,  the  Ministry  of  Science  and  ICT  announced  recently.  The
        wireless spectrums to be provided are a 600 MHz block of a 28
        Gigahertz frequency band and another 100MHz block of 4.7GHz.
        According  to  the  Ministry  plan,  the  government  will  divide  the
        28GHz band into 12 blocks, and the 4.7GHz band into 10 blocks
        for the frequency rollout and companies or institutions seeking
        to acquire the frequencies can decide on the number of blocks
        they want. Interested organizations should apply for purchase by
        October. The allotment will be provided for use of up to five years,
        and will be announced as early as November. “The supply of the   services are mostly operated by using the 3.5GHz band, through
        5G frequencies for special networks will expand the use of the   which the maximum download speed falls just short of being 20
        5G  network  into  various  industries,  creating  new  added  values   times faster than 4G Long Term Evolution, a figure promised by
        through convergence and innovation among different industries,”   the telcos. SKT, KT and LG Uplus unveiled their plans to use the
        a  ministry  official  said.  By  special  networks,  the  government   additional frequency blocks during a meeting with ICT Minister
        refers to the 5G deployment by non-telecom companies, such as   Lim Hye-soon. SKT announced it plans to establish 28GHz-based
        Samsung Electronics for the establishment of a smart factory. For   5G networks at Coex and Jamsil Baseball Stadium in southern
        its first rollout of 5G frequencies in 2018, the government held an   Seoul  and  at  Jeju  World  Cup  Stadium.  The  company’s  goal  for
        auction, with only the three mobile carriers SKT, KT and LG Uplus   its 28GHz service is to have more people actually experience the
        allowed to be eligible bidders. This time around, other than the fact   network quality in public places like the chosen venues. SKT plans
        that non-telcos can join, the pricing will be different. The prices of   to  enable  virtual  reality  conferences,  real-time  high-definition
        the frequency blocks will be set by the government, in accordance   streaming and the operation of autonomous driving robots at the
        with coverage areas of network services, sizes of populations and   places. For Coex, the largest convention center in southern Seoul,
        conditions  of  network  equipment  and  other  surroundings,  the   SKT plans to make the 28GHz service available by July. KT said
        Ministry said. The standard price for a 10MHz block of 4.7GHz   it has completed the deployment of a 28GHz wireless network at
        is set at 100,000 won, while a 50MHz block of 28GHz is priced   Suwon Wiz Park in Gyeonggi Province earlier this month and will
        at 50,000 won. The Ministry said the unit price of 28GHz is set   test-offer  10 different  services,  including  hologram,  metaverse/
        to  a  tenth  of  the  4.7GHz  price,  considering  the  characteristics   cloud games, VR, 5G UHD streaming and AI robots. It will also
        of  the  high-frequency  band,  network  equipment  and  devices.   provide 28GHz-based WiFi service at Mokdong Chamber Hall in
        The  Ministry  also  decided  to  cut  the  three-month  examination   western Seoul in September. LG Uplus has picked historical sites,
        of companies’ frequency usage plans to one month. The Korean   including Buyeo and Gongju in Chungcheong Province, to provide
        ICT  Ministry  has  come  up  with  the  additional  5G  frequency   augmented  reality  and  high-speed  content  services  on  history
        supply plan amid continuing complaints about the poorer-than-  and culture. The company will also establish 28GHz networks at
        expected quality of the nationwide 5G network services. Despite   Gwangju Champions Field Baseball Stadium and Bexco in Busan
        their efforts to make Korea the world’s first 5G-enabled country,   next month to provide high-speed streaming services and 28GHz
        network operators have been the target of public criticism over   WiFi. LG will deploy the special 5G networks at three golf courses,
        slower-than-expected network speeds and expensive mobile bills   including  Rainbow  Hills  in  Eumseong,  North  Chungcheong
        after the launch of 5G network in April 2019. Korea’s nationwide 5G   Province, to livestream KLPGA tournaments.

        Ligado Secures 3GPP Approval for L-Band 5G Specifications

        Ligado  Networks  has  confirmed  that  it   L-Band vendor ecosystem and its efforts   CommsUpdate,  Ligado  –  which  emerged
        has  received  approvals  from  3GPP  –  the   to  deploy  new  mid-band  spectrum  in  5G   from  ill-fated  open-access  4G  start-up
        wireless  industry’s  global  standard-  networks  in  the  US.’  Ligado  is  currently   LightSquared  in  February  2016  –  was
        setting  body  –  for  new  technical   developing  a  5G  Mobile  Private  Network   belatedly  given  the  go-ahead  by  the
        specifications  that  will  enable  its  L-band   Solution  designed  to  serve  the  energy,   Federal  Communications  Commission
        spectrum to be deployed in 5G networks.   manufacturing, health care, transportation   (FCC) to utilise its L-band spectrum for 5G
        The telco says that the approvals ‘mark a   and  other  critical  infrastructure  sectors.   in April 2020.
        crucial  step  in  Ligado’s  expansion  of  the   As previously reported by TeleGeography’s

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