Page 102 - SAMENA Trends - June-August 2021
P. 102


        Ecuador Approves Reform of Telecommunications Law

        The President of Ecuador Guillermo Lasso   SIM  cards  and  assets  not  assigned  to   certainty and regulatory predictability’. ‘We
        has  signed  Decree  126  reforming  the   the  concession,  which  should  translate   consider  this  to  be  an  important  step  in
        country’s  Organic  Telecommunications   into  a  reduction  in  their  total  regulatory   moving from a model predominantly based
        Law,  in  force  since  February  2015.  The   obligations.  After  the  latest  reform,  a   on  tax  collection  to  a  new  development
        18  articles  of  the  reform  package  aim  to   telco’s  annual  investment  plan  may  also   model focused on connectivity and closing
        prioritize connectivity and efforts to reduce   count  towards  their  universal  service   the digital divide,’ he said, adding: ‘It shows
        the digital divide, particularly in rural areas,   obligation (currently 1% of annual revenue),   a serious commitment on the part of the
        rather  than  maximize  tax  revenues.  In   while  spectrum  tenders  are  expected  to   authorities  to  connect  unserved  areas.
        addition  to  capping  the  total  regulatory   focus on maximizing coverage rather than   It is a step in the right direction, not only
        obligations  paid  by  operators  at  2.5%  of   government revenues. In an interview with   because of the reform itself, but because
        total revenues, the decree notably applies   Digital Policy Law, Jorge Cevallos, president   of the clear message of where public policy
        a narrower definition of their ‘total income   of  the  telecom  operators  association   is heading in the new government.’
        invoiced and received’, discounting items   Asetel,  welcomed  the  reforms,  which  he
        such as income from the sale of handsets,   believes will ‘contribute to providing legal

        Czech Senate Knocks Back Amendment to Telecoms Law

        The  Senate  of  the  Parliament  of  the   will  now  be  returned  to  the  Chamber  of   under  the  revised  Act  are  the  removal
        Czech  Republic  has  blocked  a  proposed   Deputies with proposed revisions from the   of  automatic  consent  for  unsolicited
        amendment  to  the  country’s  Electronic   Senate.  The  amendment  had  previously   telephone  marketing  calls,  moves  to
        Communications  Act  which  aims  to   been approved by the Chamber of Deputies   make  it  easier  for  consumers  to  switch
        improve  consumer  privacy  protection,   by an overwhelming majority of 164 votes   broadband provider, and changes to make
        amongst  other  things.  The  amendment   out of 168. Among the changes proposed   it easier for telcos to deploy networks.

        US President Orders Return of Net Neutrality

        US President Joe Biden signed an executive order
        designed to promote competition in the American
        economy  by  directing  changes  at  telecom  and
        technology regulators, among a number of other
        federal  agencies.  The  order  urges  the  Federal
        Communications  Commission  (FCC)  to  restore
        net neutrality rules it voted to ditch in December
        2017  which  had  prevented  operators  prioritizing
        traffic carried over their networks. President Biden
        also asked the FCC to require ISPs to report their
        subscription rates and prices to the agency, and
        share  standardized  information  with  consumers
        about  speeds,  prices  and  network  management.
        He  also  called  for  “greater  scrutiny  of  mergers,
        especially  by  dominant  internet  platforms”.  In
        a fact sheet,  the  administration characterized
        some  recent  deals  in  the  US  technology  sector  can  use  information  collected  from   Biden also called on the FTC to tackle
        as  “killer  acquisitions”,  meant  to  “shut  down  a  smaller retailers to launch competitive   the  right  to  repair  mobile  phones,
        potential  competitive  threat”.  The  Federal  Trade  products.   The   executive   order   seeking “rules against anticompetitive
        Commission (FTC) is tasked with regulating data  instructed  the  FTC  to  “establish  rules   restrictions  on  using  independent
        accumulation and surveillance, with the fact sheet  barring unfair methods of competition   repair  shops  or  doing  DIY  repairs  of
        highlighting the ways large online retail platforms  on  internet  marketplaces”.  President   your own devices and equipment”.

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