Page 102 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2023
P. 102


        Ergen Considering DISH-EchoStar Merger

        US businessman  Charlie  Ergen  is  considering  merging  the  two   with the matter. As per the article, the companies have engaged ad-
        halves of his communications empire, DISH Network and EchoStar   visors, but the timeline and structure of the proposed deal remain
        Corp, US publication Semafor has reported, citing people familiar   unclear. EchoStar Communications, which was founded by Ergen
                                                               as a satellite television equipment distributor in 1980, changed its
                                                               name to DISH Network in January 2008 and spun off its technol-
                                                               ogy arm as a new company, named EchoStar Corp. EchoStar is
                                                               financially  stronger  than  DISH,  which  has  weathered  heavy  sub-
                                                               scriber losses in the pay-TV sector in recent years, and is investing
                                                               substantially in the deployment of a nationwide 5G network.

        ATH Group Completes Leveraged Buyout of ICT Businesses Via Vodafone


        Fiji-based  telecommunications holding  company  Amalgamated   a  strong  track  record  of  delivering  cutting-edge  solutions  to  a
        Telecom Holdings  (ATH)  has  purchased  the  remaining  49%   diverse clientele in the Pacific’ and the acquisition would allow it to
        stakes it did not already own in Digitec ICT (based in Papua New   capitalise on those skills, tap into new market segments and drive
        Guinea), ETech ICT in Singapore and ETech ICT in Australia. The   revenue growth. ‘This strategic acquisition aligns with ATH Group’s
        transaction  was carried out through its  51%-owned  Vodafone   long-term vision of providing end-to-end telecommunications and
        Fiji  mobile  subsidiary  in  the  form of a  100%  leveraged  buyout,   ICT solutions  that  empower  businesses,  government  agencies,
        funded  through  a  structured  debt  financing  arrangement  with   institutions, individuals, etc. and accelerate economic growth and
        Bank of South Pacific, PNG. In a brief announcement on the South   social development in the Pacific region,’ ATH stated.
        Pacific Stock Exchange (SPX), ATH noted the three ICT firms ‘have

        CPC Approves Vivacom’s Acquisition of Seven Operators; NetWorx Seeks

        Renegotiation of Deal

        Bulgaria’s  Commission  for the  Protection  of Competition  (CPC)   proposed  acquisition  of Bulsatcom’s  infrastructure  by Slovenia
        has  approved  Vivacom’s  acquisition  of  seven  fixed  broadband   Broadband, which is 100% owned by United Group. If this proposed
        and  TV  operators.  The  list  of  operators  includes  Ruse-based   acquisition is approved, it would lead to a total concentration of
        NetWorx Group – comprising Networks-Bulgaria,  Online  Direct,   the whole national market and infrastructure power far exceeding
        TVN Distribution Bulgaria and Telko Infrastructures – and Veliko   the normal thresholds acknowledged in all other EU markets.’ PPF
        Turnovo-based TELNET Group, which comprises TELNET, TELNET   Telecom concludes by urging all relevant authorities to review the
        Securities and STV. The CPC controversially approved the deals   proposed transactions. It also says it intends to raise these matters
        despite  Vivacom  becoming  the  largest  fixed  broadband/TV   with the EC. Elsewhere, the owner of NеtWоrх, Ѕvіlеn Маkѕіmоv,
        provider on a national level and in the Veliko Turnovo, Gabrovo and   has disclosed to local news source Ruse News that the binding
        Ruse regions. In December 2022 the Supreme Administrative Court   terms of the contract with Vivacom have expired, so in order for
        (SAC) annulled the antimonopoly regulator’s previous approval of   the acquisition to go through, the terms and conditions need to be
        Vivacom’s acquisition of NetWorx Bulgaria due to concentration   renegotiated. Maksimov said: ‘Тhе dеаl nееdѕ tо bе rеnеgоtіаtеd
        concerns, and in February 2023 the Communications Regulation   fоr  ѕеvеrаl  rеаѕоnѕ.  Fіrѕt,  mоrе  than  two  уеаrѕ  hаvе  раѕѕеd.
        Commission (CRC) launched an in-depth investigation into several   Ѕесоnd, іnflаtіоn. Тhіrd, thе іnсrеаѕеd ЕВІТDА оf thе соmраnу.’
        deals via which Vivacom secured direct sole control over NetWorx,
        TVN Distribution  Bulgaria,  Telko Infrastructures  and  indirect
        control over Online Direct. A1 and Yettel have voiced their concerns
        over  the  latest  decision,  with  both  operators disclosing  that  the
        approval ‘shows blatant disregard for recent European rulings’ and
        will lead to ‘a huge concentration of market share and power in
        the hands of Vivacom and its owner United Group’. Yettel’s owner
        PPF Telecom said in a press release: ‘CPC decision-making has
        raised our concerns with regard to its forthcoming review of the
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