Page 84 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 84


        ers having experienced average speeds of   of 743 Mbps in UAE, 713.4 Mbps in Qatar   is continuing to advance across the GCC. In
        316.8  Mbps, ahead of Qatar  and Kuwait.   and 663.7 Mbps in Kuwait. The UAE also   all six markets, users experience much im-
        The three countries lead the region for 5G   took the first place for 5G games experience   proved speeds and video experience using
        peak download speed as well, with a score   with a score of 74 on a 100-point scale. “5G   5G, OpenSignal said in its report.

        UAE All Set for Comprehensive Digital Transformation

        The UAE  government  is  all  set  for a   competitiveness,  flexibility and digital   to the digitization of government services,
        comprehensive digital  transformation,   alignment”  between  projects  and digital   business  and operations,  among others.
        with a new federal committee announced   systems  in  federal government  agencies.   Omar bin Sultan Al Olama, Minister of State
        on Monday. Approved by the UAE Cabinet,   To  enhance  efficiency,  the  committee   for  Artificial  Intelligence,  Digital  Economy
        the ‘Higher Committee  for Government   will  be  responsible for issuing guiding   and Remote Work Applications, will serve
        Digital Transformation’ will be chaired by   components for strategic projects related   as the Vice-Chairman of the committee.
        Ohood Khalfan Al Roumi, Minister of State
        for Government  Development  and The
        Future. A strategy announced  earlier  this
        year  aims  to  double  the contribution of
        the digital economy to the country’s GDP
        from 9.7 per cent to 19.4 per cent within
        10 years. The strategy included more than
        30  initiatives and programmes targeting
        six sectors and five new areas of growth.
        The committee will help raise the efficiency
        of the use of infrastructure and digital
        assets. It will enhance integration between
        government  agencies  and institutions. It
        will supervise and guide the development
        of the “digital  ecosystem” for the UAE
        government. It will enhance the “readiness,

        10 million Cybersecurity Threats Detected and Blocked in Oman

        Trend Micro solutions detected and blocked   as well as remote locations with unsecured   ing their focus to critical businesses and
        over 4.1mn  email  threats, 700,607  mal-  public networks,” he added. Arabi said that   industries  more likely to pay, and double
        ware attacks, and over 4.6mn URL victims’   the annual cybersecurity  report  provides   extortion tactics ensure that they are able
        attacks in Oman in 2021, according to its   the country’s enterprises with the insights   to profit. Ransomware-as-a-service offer-
        annual cybersecurity  report. Furthermore,   they need to readjust their security stance   ings have opened the market to cybercrim-
        it  shielded  remote learning and  working,   and prompts them to adopt industry-lead-  inals with limited technical knowledge, as
        Smart Home Network (SHN) solutions pro-  ing innovations securing their digital jour-  well  as  given rise  to  more  specialization,
        tected devices and networks from 12,821   neys.  Trend  Micro Incorporated, a global   such as initial access brokers who are now
        SHN  inbound  and outbound  attacks  and   leader in cybersecurity solutions, released   an essential  part of the  cybercrime sup-
        prevented  581,119  SHN  events. “Oman’s   its 2021 annual cybersecurity report – Nav-  ply chain. Threat actors are getting better
        enterprises continue to display digital resil-  igating  New  Frontiers  –  highlighting  the   at exploiting human error to compromise
        ience through the challenges of unforeseen   growing rate of cyber attacks by malicious   cloud  infrastructure and remote workers.
        global  events  and have bravely faced  an   actors on digital infrastructures and indi-  Homeworkers are often prone to take more
        evolving threat landscape with increasing-  viduals in the modern-day hybrid work en-  risks than those in the office, which makes
        ly sophisticated attacks,” said Assad Arabi,   vironment. The report states that globally   phishing  a greater  risk.  According  to the
        managing director of Gulf Cluster at Trend   Trend Micro solutions stopped over 94.2bn   report, better readiness for security teams
        Micro. “The modern-day, hybrid world has   threats in 2021, a 42 per cent increase in   against  emerging threats  is  necessary
        made it difficult for organizations to protect   the number of detections recorded in 2020.   across sectors. With these related insights,
        their digital environment, requiring security   Attacks had surged over 53bn in the sec-  Oman seeks improvement within the move-
        teams to bolster their security strategies to   ond half of 2021, blocking 41bn threats in   ment  against the  threat landscape  going
        protect employees in and out of the office,   H1 2021. Ransomware attackers are shift-  forward.

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