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        the United States, policymakers are moving   billion by  2025”.  The contribution would   targets 30 Smart Africa member countries
        towards universal service also  funded  by   have many other positive effects such   and proposes several different initiatives to
        digital platforms.                   as  on employment, user experience  and   achieve a broadened base of contributors
                                             innovation as well as energy consumption   to broadband infrastructure.
        A recent report by AXON Partners for ETNO   and carbon emissions.  In  terms of
        [26]     has  examined the socio-economic   possible tools for a contribution, the report   Concluding remarks
        benefits of a fairer balance between tech   proposes a regulated mechanism for direct   Given changed  market realities and the
        giants and telecom operators for Europe’s   agreements  between network operators   changed  role that  broadband  plays  in
        internet  ecosystem instituted through   and  the  largest  Digital  Platforms  in  line   our economies and societies,  there  is  a
        an annual OTT contribution, arguing   with the approach taken for the regulation   call among many industry  stakeholders,
        that  in  the absence  of intervention, the   of “gatekeepers” under the Digital Services   institutions,  and  organizations  for
        European  Commission’s  “Digital  Decade”   Act.  [27]                   contributions to broadband infrastructure
        connectivity  targets would be threatened                                by  all  those  that  benefit  from  broadband
        as viable returns for network operators are   At this stage, many recommendations   infrastructure, in particular big digital
        undermined.  “Telecom network  operators   have been made, but little concrete steps   platforms. The rationale seems clear:
        are  in  no position to  negotiate  fair   have been taken. To put recommendations   broadband is the fundament of our digital
        commercial terms for their networks’ ever-  into  actions,  Smart Africa  together  with   economies  and societies.  Thus, calls are
        increasing use by the leading OTTs: their   SAMENA Council during ITU’s World Tele-  growing louder for models of provision to
        offerings are now indispensable to users;   communications Development Conference   reflect new “fair share” paradigms of shared
        their market dominance  is ever more   2022  (“WTDC22”)  in  Kigali  at  the  Partner   benefits,  collective  responsibility,  and
        entrenched;  and  there are no economic,   to Connect (“P2C”) Roundtable announced   predictable and sustainable commitment to
        regulatory or policy mechanisms in place   its joint pledge to advocate and drive the   ensure that all can share in the benefits of
        to help restore a more level playing field.”   implementation  of  the  first  strategic  rec-  the digital revolution. It remains to be seen,
        The  Report concludes  that  “an annual   ommendation  “Broadening  the  Base” of   how these calls and recommendations
        contribution of €20 billion by OTTs to the   the BBCom’s WG Report on 21st Century   are turned into actions and how they are
        development  of telecom  infrastructure in   Financing, Funding, and Investment models   implemented across different jurisdictions.
        the EU would raise GDP by as much as €72   to close the connectivity gap. The pledge

           1.  18.
               Contribution.aspx                                   bold-new-framework-for-international-tax-reform.htm
           2.  19.  The evolving digital economy benefits substantially from the digitalization
               gafam-pour-financer-les-reseaux-telecoms-1404614    of business models enabling multinational companies to carry out business
           3.     in countries where they do not have a physical presence. The relevance
           4.  of the OECD work will be to seek to correlate, fairly and reasonably, value
               Internet-Value-Chain-2022.pdf                       capture per jurisdiction with the appropriate taxation to apportion to that
           5.  territory. This work will help localize taxes to these jurisdictions where such
               Internet-Value-Chain-2022.pdf                       companies do not pay tax. Addressing the Tax Challenges of the Digital
           6.   Axon Partners 2022                                 Economy’, Action 1 Deliverable 2014,
           7.   Europe’s internet ecosystem: socio economic benefits of a fairer balance   addressing-the-tax-challenges-of-the-digital-economy_9789264218789-
               between tech giants and telecom operators, Axon Partners, May 2022, see   en#page1 ; and any subsequent reports on BEPS by the OECD. https://
           8.   CNBC, “Meta says its metaverse ambitions won’t be possible without better   implement-pillar-one-on-track-for-delivery-by-mid-2023.htm
               cellular networks”,  20.
               cellular-networks-arent-ready-for-themetaverse.html  package
           9.   European Commission, “2030 Digital Compass: the European way for the   21.
               Digital Decade”, 2021; Available at:  22.
               en/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A52021DC0118                     infrastructure-act-eu/
           10.  23.
               telecommunications/our-insights/telecoms-future-in-the-web3-era-jose-  major-european-telecommunications-companies-646166
               maria-alvarez-pallete-lopez?cid=eml-web         24.
           11.  Finger, Matthias, and Irina Lapenkova, 2019, Digital Platforms – The New   25.  The court confirmed two-sided structure of the market on the basis that Netflix
               Network Industries? How to regulate them? Network Industries Quarterly,   has one business relationship with SKB and another with its subscribers
               Vol. 21, No. 3, September                           which it accesses via the SKB’s network.  The court also confirmed that the
           12.  See  question of payment for the delivery of Netflix data is entirely separate from
               DigitalMoonshotforAfrica_Report.pdf                 Net Neutrlaity and protections of end users access to the Internet.https://
               DigitalMoonshotforAfrica_Report.pdf                 usage-fee-court-case ,
           14.  asia-pacific-antitrust-review/2022/article/overview-cartels-and-abuse
               financing-models-2020/                          26.  Europe’s internet ecosystem: socio economic benefits of a fairer balance
           15.  between tech giants and telecom operators, Axon Partners, May 2022, see
           16.  See p.16 of “The impact of Over-The-Top Applications and Services on the   27.  A new regulatory  obligation  could  include  principles  of fair  and
               Telecommunications Sector in Africa”,  proportionate compensation,  and  an  enforcement  or  dispute resolution
               recommendations-to-smart-africa-alliance-member-countries-to-address-  mechanism based on, e.g. the example of the Australian News Media and
               digital-infrastructure-financing/                   Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code.
           17., p. XX  focus-areas/digital-platforms/news-media-bargaining-code

                                                                                                  80  JULY-AUGUST 2022
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85