Page 81 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 81



        How Spectrum Allocation will Shape the Region’s

        Digital Economy

                                                               The mobile industry is the engine for national digital transformation
                                                               and the foundation for the digital economy  that will  shape our
                                                               economy and society in unprecedented ways in the next decade.
                                                               PWC estimates that 5G technology will add $1.3tn to global GDP
                                                               by 2030.

                                                               This digital universe  has seen  the  emergence  of new  services
                                                               such as HD video, XR, and the metaverse. These evolutions raise
                                                               the requirements for higher data rates such as 1Gbps anytime,
                                                               anywhere and 10Gbps in hotspots to support a ubiquitous digital
                                                               user experience.

                                                               To that end,  a sufficient mid-band spectrum  will be mandatory
                                                               for future mobile service growth. GSMA Research estimates that
                                                               mid-band  5G  (1GHz  –  7GHz)  could  deliver  $610B  GDP  growth
                                                               in 2030 (63.5% of the total 5G benefit). The GSMA also says an
                                                               average of 2GHz mid-band per country is necessary as spectrum
                                                               reserve for mobile services in the next decade. To secure optimal
                                                               5G performance in the long-term, more capacity in this range is
                                                               needed, and 6 GHz is a prime candidate.

                                                                  The  GSMA Research  estimates  that
                                                                  mid-band 5G (1GHz – 7GHz) could deliver

                                                                  $610B GDP growth in 2030 (63.5% of the
                                                                  total 5G benefit). The GSMA also says an
                                                                  average of 2GHz mid-band per country is
        Dr. Abdulhadi Mahmoud AbouAlmal                           necessary as spectrum reserve for mobile
        Director Tech Standards &                                 services in the next decade.
        Spectrum Management
        etisalat by e&                                         To build on this  momentum,  the mobile industry  supported
                                                               the adoption of 6GHz  for 5G and beyond. The World
                                                               Radiocommunication  Conference  2019  (WRC-19) agreed  to
                                                               establish a  new agenda  item to study upper  6GHz  for IMT
                                                               (International Mobile Telecommunication)  at WRC-23. Additionally,
                                                               the GSMA has advocated 6GHz as the primary band for the future
                                                               of  5G  evolution  and  officially  set  up  a  6GHz  Supporting  Group.
                                                               Furthermore, several countries  and MNOs  have launched  6GHz
                                                               IMT field tests between 2021 and 2022 such as “etisalat by e& in

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