Page 79 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
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                                        Figure 5: Socio-economic effect of an annual OTT contribution

        where the fundamental rights of users are   peans”. In this vein, to meet its ambitious   the costs of public goods, services, and in-
        protected,  where  a  level  playing  field  for   high-speed Internet targets for 5G and fibre   frastructure” a reality. In an open letter the
        businesses  is  created and where control   rollout, the European Commission plans to   operators stated that “The investment bur-
        over digital ecosystems by few large plat-  present a new Connectivity Infrastructure   den must be shared in a more proportion-
        forms is curbed and kept in check.   On 26   Act in the fall of 2022, which will include   ate way.  Today,  video streaming, gaming
        January  2022, the Commission  launched   measures that oblige  certain online  plat-  and social media originated by a few digi-
        the European Declaration on Digital Rights   form services to contribute to the costs of   tal content platforms accounts for over 70
        and Principles  for the Digital Decade ,   5G.   Strong advocacy in this regard for a   percent of all traffic running over the net-
        which specifically calls for “developing ade-  “fair share” has come from network oper-  works. Digital platforms are profiting from
        quate frameworks so that all market actors   ators, in particular in Europe. In February   hyper scaling business models at little cost
        benefiting from the digital transformation   2022, four of Europe’s leading  Operators,   while network operators  shoulder the re-
        assume their social responsibilities and   Deutsche  Telekom, Vodafone,  Telefonica,   quired investments in connectivity. At the
        make a fair and proportionate contribution   and Orange, have called on the EU to intro-  same time our retail markets are in perpet-
        to the costs of public goods, services and   duce rules at EU level to make the principle   ual decline in terms of profitability.”   In
        infrastructures, for the benefit of all Euro-  of a “fair and proportionate contribution to   the Caribbean, “Fair Share” was discussed
           To put  recommendations  into  actions,  Smart Africa                 by the industry at the recent CANTO con-
                                                                                 ference.  There  was  general  agreement
           together  with  SAMENA Council  during  ITU’s World                   that investors will not support investment
           Telecommunications  Development  Conference  2022                     in 5G networks in the region  at  present
           (“WTDC22”) in  Kigali  at  the  Partner  to  Connect  (“P2C”)         and that a regulatory solution to Fair Share
                                                                                 is required. In South Korea, a national law
           Roundtable announced its joint pledge to advocate and drive           to create regulatory conditions for a fairer
           the implementation of the first strategic recommendation              contribution to network costs is being dis-
                                                                                 cussed, following a court ruling that Netflix
           “Broadening the Base” of the BBCom’s WG Report on 21st                was abusing its market power by refusing
           Century  Financing,  Funding,  and Investment  models  to             to pay a local broadband network operator,
                                                                                 SKB, for the use of its network to deliver
           close the connectivity gap.                                           Netflix services to consumers.  [25]   And in

                                                                                                  79  JULY-AUGUST 2022
   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84