Page 76 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 76


        New  premises  and approaches for a new
        The way  we  bring access to  connectivity
        can no longer  ignore the changes that
        our world has and is  undergoing:  the
        investment,   funding   and   financing
        models that enabled earlier infrastructure
        development  and its  utilization, that
        developed today’s digital ecosystems, and
        which allowed for possibilities that citizens
        would have access to relevant content and
        digital  services  no  longer  suffice.  They
        were created for the market realities and
        economic perspectives of the 20th century.
        Today, however, many  companies and
        industry-related stakeholders benefit from
        delivering services through  broadband
        infrastructure. For some companies, such
        service delivery  constitutes  a  simple yet
        powerful business  model that  leverages
        broadband  infrastructure  traditionally
        built solely by  telecom  operators. Recent
        reports by AXON  Partners   and GSMA [4]
        show that most new value from the digital
        revolution  is  captured by  over-the-top
        services and content providers: the largest
        share  of  global  internet  traffic,  namely
        57%, is generated by only six companies,
        shareholder  returns have stagnated for
        Internet access  connectivity,  growth in
        market capitalization and revenues  of
        telecommunications operators are lagging
        significantly behind that of the big global
        digital platforms, and global traffic share of
        different OTT services / platforms take the
        lion’s share, as shown in Fig.2.
                                                                     Figure 1(A): Digital value capture
        As digitalization of our society is ongoing,   drastic improvements in today’s telecoms   Therefore,  to meet  these  objectives and
        demands on network  development and   networks .   This position  is emphasised   provide better quality of service to consum-
        optimization will  keep  growing.  A recent   in the European Commission’s  2030   ers, telecom operators must invest heavily
        study by the GSMA finds that monthly global   Digital Compass:  the European way  for   in upgrading their network infrastructure
        consumer  internet  traffic  volumes  have   the  Digital Decade: “By  the  end  of this   and develop 5G and FTTH networks. This,
        been growing at 34% per year, representing   decade,  new digital  communications   however, can only be achieved if the con-
        per user growth of around 27% every year   features and capabilities such  as  high-  tributing base to broadband infrastructure
        between 2015 and 2020  . This trend will   precision, holographic media, and digital-  is broadened. According to the Chairman
        continue in the wake of the Metaverse and   senses over the networks, are expected   and CEO of Telefonica  José  María Álva-
        web 3.0. The average mobile user in Europe   to provide a  whole new perspective to a   rez-Pallete López,  demands  on  networks
        is expected to use 16.2 GB/month in 2023,   digitally enabled society underpinning the   will only be able to be met when all stake-
        compared to 8.5 GB/month in 2021, while   need  for gigabit connectivity.  Well before   holders that benefit from networks start to
        a fixed broadband line is expected to use   the  end of the decade,  businesses  will   contribute to the costs of its provision. “To-
        454 GB/month  in 2023 compared to 293   need  dedicated  Gigabit  connections and   day roughly 56 percent of the capacity of
        GB/month  in 2021 .    New value-added   data  infrastructures  for  cloud computing   the network—of the European networks in
        services,  including  those  offered by OTT   and  data  processing, in  the same  way   this case—is being used by only five over-
        players,  will  continue  to develop,  calling   as  schools and hospitals will  need   the-top [OTT] players that pay nothing for
        for improved  connectivity  to be provided   this for eEducation and eHealth.  High   the use of the network. The huge growth in
        by network operators .  In this regard, OTT   performance computing (HPC) will require   traffic during the pandemic has highlight-
        service providers have noted that emerging   terabit connections to allow real-time data   ed that there is an asymmetric effort here,
        services will not be possible if there are no   processing.”  [9]        and I  think the time has come for more

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