Page 44 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 44


        Cisco Research Finds Immersive Digital Experiences are Critical to
        Maximizing the Benefits of Wearable Technology

        A   seamless  and  integrated  digital  to a  good  user experience.  In fact, the   about the potential benefits that wearable
        experience  is  essential for consumers  to   quality of  the experience  is  so important   technology could bring. The findings of the
        maximize the potential of smart wearable   that  76  percent  of those questioned  said   Cisco  AppDynamics research  are clear.
        health and wellbeing devices, according to   they would stop using a specific wearable   Wearable technology brands must be able
        new research conducted by Cisco across   device or application if they had a bad   to deliver a  seamless and reliable digital
        the EMEA region. The research was carried   digital experience. Perhaps more worryingly   experience  to consumers  at  all  times.
        out by Cisco AppDynamics and questioned   for smart  wearable manufacturers and   Failure to do so will see many users switch
        4,000 people across in the UAE, UK, France   app developers  is  that  59  percent of   to rival products or abandon the wearable
        and Germany. It discovered that 83 percent   respondents said a bad digital experience   healthcare market altogether.  To avoid
        of those  polled  believe smart  wearable   with one  wearable device or application   this, manufacturers and app developers
        technology has the potential to positively   would put them  off trying other  health   should  adopt  the latest tools to manage
        transform the health of individuals  and   or wellbeing  wearable technology.  The   and optimize performance and availability
        improve public health services in general.   biggest causes of bad digital experiences   across a complex IT environment. This
        Wearables are increasingly popular: 38   are device crashes (54  percent), slow  or   means ensuring their technologists  have
        percent  of people currently use at least   unresponsive  performance  (51  percent)   access  to  a  single,  unified  view  of  IT
        one wearable technology  device, while   and data privacy concerns  (51  percent).   performance,  right across  the IT  estate
        71  percent plan to increase their use of   For 84 percent of people, trust is a critical   —  what’s  called full-stack  observability.
        such  products  and related  applications   factor when choosing a wearable medical   Furthermore, these wearable technologies
        over the next 12 months. Thus, wearable   device or application brand. Despite these   must be able to connect  to this IT
        technology has reached a defining moment   reservations the overall outlook for such   performance data with real-time business
        in  its  evolution,  moving from  the early   products  and services is positive with   metrics, to quickly identify issues that may
        adopter stage through to mass adoption.   79  percent of consumers  feeling  excited   harm the end-user digital experience.
        The  pace  of innovation in wearable
        healthcare products  is high,  and  users
        have clear preferences for what they want
        their devices to do. 84 percent expect their
        devices to  indicate early  warning signs
        of illness  and the same percentage  want
        to  improve  fitness  goals.  In  addition,  78
        percent look to wearables to help manage
        chronic  health conditions;  79  percent  to
        identify the spread of infectious diseases;
        and 77 percent to support healthy eating.
        83  percent of consumers  believe that
        having reliable, real-time access to health
        data  and  accuracy of this  data  is  critical

                                             Open  RAN: Policy and  Industrial  Perspectives
                                             from Around the World

        Cullen  international's  Global  Trends  •  Brazil, Japan, the UK, and the US issued   groups, vendors, and technology com-
        benchmark on open radio access networks   strategies on open  RAN,  although   panies,  including  from China,  Europe,
        (open RAN) covers Australia,  Brazil,   specific measures to promote adoption   Japan, Korea, and the US, have taken the
        Canada, China,  the European  Union (EU),   of open RAN vary widely.        lead in open RAN standardization work,
        India, Indonesia,  Japan,  Korea, Saudi   •  Other governments, including  several   in the context of two main industry ini-
        Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, the United   countries in Asia, opted for a more neutral   tiatives, the O-RAN Alliance and the Tele-
        Kingdom (UK), and the United States (US).  approach, at least publicly, leaving open   com Infra Project (TIP).
        The  main  findings  of  Cullen's  research   RAN discussions to industry.  •  Large scale, cloud-native open RAN
        show that:                           •  Around 30  major  telecommunications   deployments are underway only in India

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