Page 46 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 46


        500 Gbps, EUTELSAT KONNECT VHTS is   ers for satellite  broadband  connectivity,   velopment. Pascal Homsy, Chief Technical
        the largest geostationary satellite ever or-  namely Orange via its Nordnet affiliate for   Officer  at  Eutelsat,  said:  “With  EUTELSAT
        dered to date in Europe and will embark the   the French coverage, Telecom Italia Mobile   KONNECT VHTS we are bringing connectiv-
        most powerful on-board digital processor,   over Italy and Thales Alenia Space to serve   ity to a next level. Defying the odds, it is the
        offering  capacity  allocation flexibility  and   notably the government connectivity ser-  most powerful satellite to join the Eutelsat
        an  optimal  spectrum  use.  This new-gen-  vices. These commitments showcase the   fleet. It will deliver 230 beams over Western
        eration satellite, offering a capacity seven   ability of satellites to provide an attractive   Europe and is equipped with a Digital Trans-
        times that of its brother satellite EUTELSAT   solution for bridging the digital divide, at a   parent Processor of 5th generation which
        KONNECT launched  in 2020, comes  with   time when access to connectivity plays a   will give a considerable advantage in terms
        several  major  firmly  committed  custom-  major role in both economic and social de-  of frequency flexibility onboard. A state-of-
                                                                                 the-art piece of the finest technology built
                                                                                 by our partners Thales Alenia Space that I
                                                                                 would like to hereby acknowledge as EU-
                                                                                 TELSAT  KONNECT  VHTS sets off  for the
                                                                                 Guiana Space  Center.” Marc Henri  Serre,
                                                                                 EVP Telecommunications at Thales Alenia
                                                                                 Space, added: “EUTELSAT KONNECT VHTS
                                                                                 is the satellite of all superlatives for a cru-
                                                                                 cial mission aiming to bridge the digital di-
                                                                                 vide by providing connectivity everywhere
                                                                                 in Europe. It is the most capacitive satel-
                                                                                 lite ever built by Thales Alenia Space and
                                                                                 our teams provided all the state-of-the art
                                                                                 technologies  to  make it  possible.  We are
                                                                                 really proud to see it ready for shipment to
                                                                                 the launch pad and are eager to start the
                                                                                 launch campaign.”

        Satellite Operators Eutelsat and OneWeb Sign Merger MoU

        French-backed    satellite  operator
        Eutelsat  Communications has  signed a
        Memorandum  of Understanding  (MoU)
        with shareholders of UK-based OneWeb
        to merge the two companies  in an all-
        share transaction. The  move is aimed
        at combining  Eutelsat’s 36-strong  fleet
        of  geostationary  (GEO)  satellites  with
        OneWeb’s constellation of 648 Low Earth
        Orbit  (LEO)  satellites, of  which  428  are
        currently in orbit, creating an entity strongly
        positioned  to address the fast-growing
        global connectivity market. A press release
        issued notes that the potential transaction
        builds  on  the  deepening  collaboration
        between  Eutelsat  and OneWeb,  begun
        with the equity stake acquired by Eutelsat   at  closing, Eutelsat  would  own 100% of   in the UK.  The MoU  values OneWeb at
        in OneWeb  in April  2021, the  global   OneWeb (excluding the ‘Special Share’ of   USD3.4 billion. The transaction is subject
        distribution  agreement  between Eutelsat   the UK Government). OneWeb shareholders   to clearance  from relevant  regulatory
        and OneWeb announced in March 2022, and   would receive  230  million newly issued   authorities and conditional on approval by
        a  new exclusive commercial partnership   Eutelsat shares representing  50% of the   an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of
        addressing  mainly the European  and   enlarged share  capital.  Eutelsat would   Eutelsat shareholders to be held by the end
        global  cruise  markets, also signed  today.   continue  to be listed on Euronext Paris   of H1  2023.  Eutelsat investors Bpifrance
        The transaction would be structured as   and apply for admission to standard listing   and Fonds  Strategique  de Participations
        an exchange of OneWeb shares by  its   on the London  Stock Exchange, while   have already undertaken to vote in favors
        shareholders  (other than  Eutelsat) with   OneWeb’s  headquarters would remain   at the EGM.
        new shares issued by Eutelsat, such that,

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