Page 43 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 43


        Cisco Study Reveals How Hybrid Working Has Improved UAE Employees’


                                                               Hybrid working practices in UAE companies have improved several
                                                               areas of employee performance, according to the findings of the
                                                               new Cisco Hybrid Work Report. The survey polled 1,050 employees
                                                               throughout  the  UAE and discovered  that almost 90 percent  of
                                                               those questioned want to work either in a hybrid or fully remote
                                                               model  in  the  future.  These  findings  are  fully  in  line  with  global
                                                               sentiment with just over 91 percent of international respondents
                                                               agreeing to the same question. The findings are from the Cisco
                                                               Hybrid Work Report, an extensive study which has examined the
                                                               impact of digitization and hybrid work  on performance  with  a
                                                               focus on productivity, quality of work, new skills and growth. It is
                                                               part of a wide-ranging survey that focused on the role of the hybrid
                                                               workplace on wellbeing and readiness across a variety of company
                                                               and individual factors such as company culture; technology; and
                                                               cybersecurity as well as financial; physical; mental well-being and
                                                               more. Reem Asaad, Vice President, Cisco Middle East and Africa,
                                                               said: “The traditional model that required employees to follow a
                                                               strict timetable set out by employers has now changed. In today’s
                                                               UAE workplace, employees are defining hybrid work and that has
                                                               resulted  in  benefits  for  both  employer  and  employees.  As  the
                                                               findings of the Cisco Hybrid Work Report clearly show, employees
                                                               are far more comfortable as a hybrid workforce and companies
                                                               should take note and adapt accordingly – both from a technology
                                                               and cultural readiness perspective. After all, they will be the ones
                                                               to benefit through higher staff performance.” Those questioned
                                                               for the study said hybrid  and remote  working practices  had a
                                                               positive impact on the quality of their work and productivity. In
                                                               all, 67 percent of those polled said the quality of their work has
                                                               improved due to the hybrid workplace model. Almost two-thirds
                                                               of respondents said their productivity levels had risen. The greater
                                                               flexibility offered by hybrid working is enabling employees to get
                                                               better at their jobs too. 68 percent replied that they saw greater
                                                               self-improvement in  job knowledge  and skills.  Meanwhile, an
                                                               impressive 86 percent said they have been able to learn, grow and
                                                               succeed in their roles. Despite the initial challenges for businesses
                                                               and employees in the UAE and across the world when organizations
                                                               had to rapidly switch to remote working at the outbreak of the
                                                               pandemic, several digital workspace and collaboration solutions
                                                               are now in place. It is therefore unsurprising that almost 79 percent
                                                               of the employees questioned said their role can now be performed
                                                               just as successfully  remotely  as in the  office.  The  Hybrid work
                                                               concept centers the work experience on the needs of the individual
                                                               employees, giving them a choice to work from home, at the office,
                                                               or elsewhere. Companies that empower their workers by giving
                                                               them not only the choice, but also the right technologies to stay
                                                               securely connected and be able to collaborate, can help to foster
                                                               inclusiveness,  engagement,  and a sense  of well-being  among
                                                               staff. Cisco’s philosophy is that work is “what up do” not “where
                                                               you go”. As a result, it has implemented many practices aimed at
                                                               supporting the company’s own employees to work remotely. This
                                                               provides Cisco with extensive experience in deploying its extensive
                                                               range of networking, security  and collaboration  solutions  and
                                                               workplace strategies to help other organizations to fully realize the
                                                               potential of remote and hybrid working.

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