Page 35 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
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        Analysys  Mason  Recognized as One of the  World’s Best Management
        Consulting Firms

                                                               An ongoing global pandemic, coupled with supply chain issues and
                                                               economic uncertainty, has left many companies scrambling around
                                                               the globe to adapt to these changes and to a new environment.
                                                               Despite these challenges, the role of management consultants—
                                                               those responsible for guiding organizations through disruption—is
                                                               more important than ever. To help business leaders choose from
                                                               the  wide range  of consultancies, Forbes  partnered  with market
                                                               research company Statista  to launch our inaugural ranking of
                                                               the World’s  Best Management  Consulting  Firms.  Statista  has
                                                               established several worldwide top lists in the field of management
                                                               consultancies, and has conducted such analyses across the U.S.,
                                                               Germany, France, the U.K., Switzerland and Japan. To determine
                                                               this list, Statista looked at the results of these country-wide top lists
                                                               and created a top list of the World’s Best Management Consulting
                                                               Firms. All six top lists are based on a similar methodology and
                                                               take into account numerous recommendations from consultants
                                                               and  clients  of  consulting  firms.  The  ranking  is  divided  into  13
                                                               sectors—from  aerospace  and  defense  to  financial  institutions—
                                                               and  14  functional  areas—including strategy,  sustainability  and
                                                               digital  transformation.  The  230  firms  that  received  the  most
                                                               recommendations are ranked according to star ratings: five stars
                                                               for “very frequently  recommended,”  four  stars  for “frequently
                                                               recommended” and three stars for “recommended.”

                                             Arthur D. Little New Report ‘Actively Shaping the

                                             Future’ Highlights

        Sustainability  has  gained  significant   company  can  achieve excellence  in ESG,   banking group in  the Kingdom,  creating
        traction in financial services over the last   including  Telecom Logistics Industrials   the  first  sustainable  finance  framework.
        few years, moving it center stage, as it lies   (20%), Real Estate (10%), and Financials   The Red Sea Development Company was
        driven by a range of stakeholders including   (30%). Out of major insurers in the region,   recognized as a global ESG leader in the Real
        governments  and regulators, investors,   only half are disclosing  ESG information,   Estate sector as sustainability has been a
        and clients  themselves. Environmental,   yet  regional  insurers  are  developing ESG   core guiding principle since the inception
        social and governance  (ESG) are central   practices  and increasing maturity in ESG   of the regenerative tourism project. The
        factors in measuring  the sustainability   reporting, with key best practices emerging.  Arab Federation  of  Exchanges  currently
        and ethical impact of a  company.  Today,   Other  major  regional  public-private  references three ESG rating systems which
        over 90 percent of global  emissions are   organizations are  developing  frameworks   cover companies in the region – Refinitiv
        now covered by Net Zero commitments. In   for  involvement  in  ESG  finance.  Majid  Al   ESG Score being  mostly recommended
        the GCC alone, the financial sector is the   Futtaim,  a  leading retail  conglomerate  in   as it is widely used and directly measures
        largest contributor  to  the list,  indicating   the MENA region with 40+ shopping malls   company  ESG performance  (vs.  risk)
        that insurance  companies  have potential   and other developments, is implementing   offering a 97% share of MENA sustainability
        to achieve high levels of ESG performance.   a Green  Finance  Framework to support   leaders  score  out  of  100  points.  Refinitiv
        Overall, GCC companies still  have room   its  ESG activity.  Saudi Arabia’s Public   rates ESG performance, commitment, and
        to grow to meet top global performers   Investment Fund (PIF), a $430bn sovereign   effectiveness across 10 main themes while
        with more mature ESG activity. Across the   wealth fund that has been actively involved   Accounting for industry and company size
        GCC region, adoption of ESG requirements   in  the transformation  of  KSA, partnered   biases, examples include  Aramco  (44),
        is  largely optional,  but the development   with BlackRock on ESG finance. Next, HSBC   Zain (68), and Emirates NBD (35). Another
        of requirements remains ongoing.  High   and Saudi National Bank  have created a   main ESG rating systems used in the region
        performers on ESG come from  a  variety   Sustainable  Finance  Framework  making   is  S&P,  one of the world's  biggest  rating
        of countries and sectors, proving that any   Saudi National Bank  (SNB) the largest   agencies which recently expanded into the

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