Page 31 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 31


        Zain Awarded World Finance ‘Best Corporate Governance Award 2022’ in
        Kuwait for 2nd Consecutive Year

        Zain Group, a leading telecom innovator in seven markets across
        the Middle East and Africa, listed on the Boursa Kuwait, announces
        it has won the World Finance ‘Best Corporate Governance Award
        2022’ for Kuwait for the second consecutive year. Zain’s Investor
        Relations  and Corporate  Governance  Framework continue  to
        attract high praise and gain market confidence as the functions
        provide stakeholders  including  shareholders,  industry  analysts,
        and regulatory  authorities  with accurate,  timely, and actionable
        information  in a transparent  and  accountable  manner.  As a
        leading entity listed on the Premier Market, Zain  is  in regular
        communication  with the country’s Capital Markets Authority
        (CMA), as it fully abides by and seeks to exceed the regulations
        issued by all financial regulatory bodies in Kuwait including the
        Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the CMA and Boursa Kuwait.
        Bader A-Kharafi, Zain Vice-Chairman and Group CEO said, “It is an
        outstanding achievement to be recognized as possessing the ‘Best
        Corporate Governance’ practice in Kuwait for two years in a row, and
        this milestone justly rewards our Investor Relations and Corporate
        Governance team’s high ethical standards, professionalism and
        diligence.” Al Kharafi added, “As a publicly traded organization, it is
        necessary for us to disclose certain information, though in Zain’s
        case we proactively seek to go beyond this minimum disclosure
        requirement. The publication  of our annual and sustainability
        reports, regulatory disclosures, Corporate Governance framework,   integrated  into business  strategy.  Zain's  business  environment
        as well as our operational and financial results reporting, all point   depends  on better empowerment  of decision  makers through
        to our goal to be as informative, transparent, and supportive as   diversity and inclusion, working with integrity and honesty, and
        possible to all stakeholders, that require company and financial   adhering  to the company's  code  of ethical conduct  to achieve
        information from  us.”  Zain’s  Corporate Governance  framework   our targets. The ethical guidelines of Zain’s Code of Conduct are
        helps the company to mitigate risks and facilitates an effective   extensive and exist to guide and empower the Board of Directors
        board oversight over the company’s executive management  by   and executive management to make the right choices, as individuals
        monitoring  the implementation  of policies  when  running  daily   and as a company. Adhering to the Code of Conduct allows Zain to
        operations. Corporate  Governance  promotes strong internal   exercise a positive impact on the industry, communities in which
        controls to improve integrity of financials and establishes a culture   it operates, and beyond; and build a company all can be proud of,
        of compliance. This governance structure has helped Zain to win   where corporate  responsibility  is  a  key  competitive advantage.
        the confidence of the market and attract global investors. In Kuwait,   Zain’s Investor Relations and Corporate Governance departments
        there are 11 principles on which Corporate Governance laws are   are also working to raise awareness  on issues related  to the
        based. The principles include disclosure to achieve transparency,   environment, social, and governance matters in response to global
        composition  and independence of the  board of directors,  value   trends and best practices. Accordingly, Zain has developed new
        creation  through  appointing  qualified  members  of  the  board   policies  and is  working to increase transparency  in addition  to
        and  qualifications  and  management,  performance  assessment   focusing on social responsibility. Such policies and procedures are
        of the  board,  promoting  ethical standards and enforcing  the   flexible, and take into account both short- and long-term challenges
        code  of conduct,  ensuring  accounting  integrity, applying sound   and risks. Zain Group has placed sustainable growth at the forefront
        systems for Internal Audit and Risk management, and focusing   of its priorities, as the board and executive management believe
        on corporate social responsibility. Zain’s board plays an important   in building positive relationships between  all stakeholders,  by
        role in ensuring that Zain conducts its business in a fashion that   strengthening Corporate Governance. World Finance is a print and
        is consistent with the highest standards of governance and ethical   online magazine providing comprehensive coverage and analysis
        behavior and that it contributes positively to society. One of the   of  the  financial  industry,  international  business  and  the  global
        Group’s business priorities is to comply with legal and regulatory   economy. Since being founded nearly 20 years ago, the publication
        business  requirements,  demonstrated through  developing  its   is read in over 100 countries, with a readership of 120,000 per issue
        operations to reflect the latest changes in corporate governance   on average. The annual World Finance Awards select and analyze
        best practices. Zain focuses  on the environmental,  social and   some of the most diverse and succinct governance platforms and
        governance  (ESG) indicators,  and ensures that  ESG issues are   recognize leading organizations in this important area.

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