Page 34 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
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        and continuous supervision from the Min-  can be downloaded from Apple’s App Store,   Informatics Award held various virtual ses-
        istry of Health’s team. ‘Shlonik’ utilized the   Google’s Play Store, and Huawei’s App Gal-  sions to study a total of 308 projects from
        latest tech solutions to monitor the compli-  lery,  and  is  available  in  five  different  lan-  Kuwait and the Arab World. The sessions
        ance of citizens who returned to Kuwait as   guages: Arabic, English, Urdu, Tagalog, and   has resulted in the nomination of 25 proj-
        part of the government’s evacuation plan   Bengali. Users can sign up via their phone   ects to the judging panel, which consisted
        in home quarantine instructions. The app   and civil ID numbers. The app features an   of many specialists and experts from 8 dif-
        was also an essential tool to pair with the   interactive COVID-19  assessment agent   ferent Arab countries to select the winners.
        smart wrist bracelet  that was  distributed   to  help each user know  what  to do next.   9 tech projects won the award for their cre-
        at  Kuwait International Airport to anyone   The Qualification Committee and Judging   ativity and innovation.
        who underwent home quarantine. ‘Shlonik’   Panel of H.H. Sheikh Salem Al Ali Al Sabah

                                             Analysys Mason’s Latest Forecast Predicts that
                                             Small and Medium-Sized Businesses’ (Smbs’) IT
                                             Spending will Increase to USD1.4 trillion in 2022

        In the latest release of its SMB Technology
        Forecaster, Analysys Mason predicts that IT
        spending by SMBs will grow at a compound
        annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.5% between
        2022 and 2027. Cloud-based services will
        drive this growth because they support a
        distributed  workforce,  improve  efficiency
        and provide business resiliency.  SMB  IT
        spending  on cloud-based  categories  is
        expected  to grow from USD600 billion  in
        2022 to USD1.0 trillion in 2027. The SMB
        Technology  Forecaster  helps  IT vendors
        and operators to pinpoint areas for revenue
        growth.  It  provides granular insights into
        SMB  IT spending,  split by technology
        category,  country,  business size,  industry
        vertical and sales channel.            future disruptions.               release will be an essential tool for business
        The  key  findings  of  the  latest  forecast   •  Hybrid working continues to influence IT   leaders to help them to drive and protect
        include the following.                 spending. Hybrid working environments   their SMB revenue.” The Analysys Mason
        •  Spending will increase in 2022. SMB IT   will  continue  to drive spending  on   SMB Technology Forecaster is an essential
          spending  is expected  to grow by 5.9%   collaboration and business applications,   tool that helps clients to forecast, inform
          year-on-year in 2022. This growth has   as  seen  during  the pandemic.  SMBs   and validate  their marketing and channel
          been limited by economic and political   will shift from using freemium versions   strategies  with  precision  and  confidence.
          uncertainty, despite the optimistic view   to paid offerings within these category   It  is  underpinned  by  extensive primary
          expressed by SMBs coming out of the   areas.                           research,  granular demand  insights and
          pandemic.                          Commenting on the forecast, Bob Takacs,   macroeconomic data and is stress-tested
        •  Spending growth will increase over the   Research  Director  and SMB IT practice   to ensure accuracy and predictability. The
          next 5  years.  IT  spending  growth  will   leader at Analysys Mason, said, “Our latest   SMB  Technology Forecaster therefore
          increase gradually over the next 5 years   forecast reveals the shift in SMBs’ behavior   enables our clients to  answer business-
          and will reach 8% year-on-year by 2027.  and priorities since the pandemic. We see   critical questions  to protect and grow
        •  Three categories  account  for almost   increased investments in categories driving   their SMB  revenue. The SMB  Technology
          half of all spending. Managed services,   resiliency  and  efficiency.  This  includes   Forecaster has spending forecasts for over
          infrastructure and cyber security are key   categories  such  as  managed  services,   130 IT categories, 19 industry verticals, 13
          priorities for SMBs in 2022. Spending on   infrastructure and cyber security.” He adds,   business  size segments  and 5 channels.
          these categories will account for 45% of   “This is an important release because   It therefore allows clients to support their
          SMBs’  total spending  on IT.  SMBs  are   we accounted  for the impact  of three   channel partners with evidence-based data
          shifting their focus towards categories   critical drivers including  SMB’s changing   on their market opportunity and to execute
          that  can help them to establish a   behaviors post-pandemic, macroeconomic   winning go-to-market strategies.
          resilient IT  environment in  order to   headwinds and the global political unrest.
          enable  business continuity  and avoid   Given these impacts to the ecosystem, this
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