Page 153 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 153


                                  REGULATORY ACTIVITIES BEYOND

                                            THE SAMENA REGION

                         The National Communications Agency (Ente Nacional   amounts  and in amounts  assigned  in the  2600MHz
                         de Comunicaciones, ENACOM)  has  announced  that   band.  This  will  increase  efficiency  in  the  use  of  the
                         it has generated  USD27.7 million from its  sale of   band,  given the  new contiguous  arrangement  of the
                         unused  4G frequencies  in the 2600MHz  band. The   assigned ranges.’  In  May  2017  ENACOM  initiated a
        Argentina        announcement  concludes  a  process  that began  in   tender process for FDD/TDD spectrum in the 2500MHz-
                         May  this year, when the watchdog outlined  plans to   2690MHz  frequency  range. Two months  later it was
                         reorganize existing 2600MHz  spectrum  holdings   confirmed that Claro and Movistar had each acquired
                         on a  contiguous  basis.  ENACOM  explained:  ‘Based   2×15MHz FDD blocks, while Personal bid on a 2×20MHz
                         on  this assignment  and reordering  of the  spectrum,   FDD block alongside an unpaired 20MHz TDD block; no
                         providers Claro,  Movistar  and Personal will  be given   prices were disclosed. (August 31, 2022)
                         the opportunity to equalize their holdings both in total

                         A court-enforceable undertaking from Telstra has been   the importance of this spectrum band to Optus’ 5G roll-
                         accepted by the Australian Competition and Consumer   out plan.’ The executive added: ‘Telstra’s undertaking
                         Commission (ACCC), with this aimed at addressing com-  will ensure Optus is not hindered from expanding its
                         petition concerns related to the former’s registration of   5G rollout, giving more Australians access to a choice
        Australia        radiocommunications sites in low band spectrum that   of 5G services in regional and metropolitan Australia …
                         reportedly interfered with rival Optus’ plans to roll out   Telstra’s undertaking promptly addresses the ACCC’s
                         its 5G network nationally. In a press release regarding   competition concerns and stops the likely harm to com-
                         the matter, the ACCC said that following an ‘intensive’   petition and consumers quickly. It is an efficient and ef-
                         investigation  it  had become  concerned  that Telstra’s   fective way to achieve a positive market outcome.’ (August
                         registrations of these sites ‘had the substantial purpose   3, 2022)
                         or likely effect of preventing or hindering Optus from de-
                         ployment of its 5G network and from engaging in com-  A draft determination has been issued by the Austra-
                         petitive conduct in the retail mobile market’. According   lian Competition and Consumer Commission  (ACCC)
                         to the regulator, Telstra’s undertaking now requires it to   in which it proposes authorizing Telstra and NBN Co
                         deregister all remaining radio sites it registered with the   to amend agreements that they entered into from 2011
                         Australian Communications and Multimedia Authority   and 2014 which facilitated the rollout of the National
                         (ACMA) in the 900MHz spectrum band in January 2022   Broadband Network (NBN). In a press release the ACCC
                         that would have prevented Optus from early access to   noted that the existing agreements, authorized under
                         the spectrum. With Telstra holding a license for parts of   statute, provide the necessary legal certainty that cer-
                         the 900MHz band until 30 June 2024, the ACCC noted   tain conduct would not contravene Australian compe-
                         that prior to 31 January 2022 the operator ‘was making   tition laws.  Now,  however,  with  Telstra  proposing  to
                         little use of the spectrum and had not registered a new   undertake a restructure of its organization it is seeking
                         site since 2016’. However, with Optus having won all   to incorporate its related entities into the existing agree-
                         the 900MHz spectrum on offer in the ACMA’s Decem-  ments with the NBN through an amendment. Under the
                         ber 2021 auction, the ACCC said that Telstra became   proposed authorization, entities across the restructured
                         aware that month that the ACMA would consider early   Telstra group will be able to continue to give effect to
                         access applications for these frequencies. Subsequent-  their existing rights and obligations owed to NBN Co.
                         ly, on 31 January 2022 Telstra registered 315 sites in   Commenting, ACCC deputy chair Mick Keogh said: ‘In
                         the 900MHz band, predominantly located in major cit-  our assessment we are limited to considering the po-
                         ies or inner regional areas, under its existing license. Of   tential  public  benefits  and  detriments  that  flow  from
                         the 315 sites registered by Telstra on that date, Telstra   the restructure and not from any existing agreements …
                         later deregistered 153, with 162 remaining registered,   The Telstra restructure is likely to result in some public
                         while the ACCC claims that since January 2022 Telstra   benefits including increasing value to the shares widely
                         has only used ‘a limited number’ of these sites. Com-  held by Australian retail investors, largely by improving
                         menting on the matter, ACCC Commissioner Liza Carver   commercial opportunities.’ Submissions from interest-
                         said: ‘We were concerned that Telstra’s registration of   ed parties in relation to the draft determination are now
                         315 radiocommunications sites in the 900MHz spec-  being sought by the ACCC, while it said it expects to
                         trum band had the substantial purpose or likely effect   make a final decision on the matter in August/Septem-
                         of lessening competition by Optus, as Telstra knew of   ber 2022. (July 15, 2022)
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