Page 91 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
P. 91
Saudi Arabia
The Communications and Information Technology Commission local content, rationalize consumption, raise the efficiency of
(CITC) has launched the second phase of accreditation registrars digital purchases, speed up its procedures, and increase the
for Saudi domain names. The launch will provide entities from quality and effectiveness of products. The agreement includes
the private sector to complete registration and obtain services by several cloud computing infrastructure services: random
March 2022, contributing to diversifying options for beneficiaries, memory, virtual CPU and storage, and backup. DGA Governor
increasing competition, and improving the quality of services Ahmed al-Suwayan said that the framework agreement supports
provided to users. The Commission seeks to enhance the industry government digital transformation programs and partnerships
of the Saudi domain market, increase the usage and find local with the private sector. The Authority recently announced the
companies specialized in Internet services and domain names. regulatory framework of the digital government policy. At the
The Commission confirmed that accrediting agents includes a ceremony, Suwayan stressed that the government platforms
set of administrative and regulatory requirements, such as proof achieved digital excellence and concerted efforts through joint
of eligibility. Applicants must be a local company registered work and integration between various digital media. He indicated
on the “ManassaTech” dedicated to enterprises operating in that this step supports the regulation and governance of digital
the information technology sector and emerging technologies, services business and improves beneficiaries' experience
provide evidence of expertise in activities related to hosting and through a system of digital government services. It also
providing electronic services, in addition to a detailed presentation contributes to integration between government agencies and
with all aspects of the technical and marketing plan. Application strengthens cooperation. The Governor announced that digital
requirements are available on It is noteworthy that the government policy enables and accelerates the sustainable
launch of the second phase comes to enable Saudi companies digital transformation of the public sector in the medium and long
operating in the IT sector to invest in the field of Saudi domain term. The policy aims to create a comprehensive government
names by providing innovative services to users in the Kingdom. system that focuses on the beneficiaries, including citizens,
(January 17, 2022) residents, and visitors, and facilitate the digital transformation of
the public sector by enhancing its capabilities. The "Governance
The Saudi Digital Government Authority (DGA) launched a Digital Platform... Orientation and Impact" session was held
framework agreement to provide cloud computing services for during the ceremony to discuss the government's approach,
Saudi government agencies through the "Etimad" platform. The perspectives, and platforms. The Governor handed over the
adoption of the platform provides many services to various platforms' registration certificates to the entities that responded
government agencies and enhances the partnership with the to the Authority's circular, including Absher, Etimad, Ejar, Balady,
private sector. It also helps achieve the development goals of the Tawakkalna, Sakani, Sehaty, Qiwa, Madrasati, and Najiz. The
Kingdom, enables the digital transformation of those services, Authority is the national reference and competent entity for digital
increases transparency and efficiency, and facilitates providing governance in the Kingdom. It aims to direct national efforts to
services. The framework agreement aims to contribute to the harmonize government procedures, achieve optimal investment
digital transformation in the Kingdom, unify product specifications for existing assets, improve operational efficiency, and enhance
and standards, increase the contribution of the private sector, and the experience of government beneficiaries and digital service
create a competitive environment. The agreement aims to develop providers. (January 10, 2022)
The Telecoms Regulator has started the process to license another wrote: "The authority added that one of the licensing conditions
operator in the country – officially Syria's third player. According for the third operator is that it must launch according to the
to a statement posted on 10 January, the Communications highest international standards, and that it provides modern
and Postal Regulatory Authority has completed the draft single services that match the latest global services in the field of mobile
license for the third mobile operator. It said the introduction of phone services." The incumbents must give the new player the
a third player in the national market would "enhance the access "possibility to benefit from their networks for a period of two years
of telecommunications services to subscribers with the best in some areas, pending the completion and installation of devices
quality". Specifically, the regulator is looking for a 4G operator that and the completion of the infrastructure necessary for [the new
can later launch 5G services. Translated from its original Arabic player] to achieve geographical spread and secure service for the
version, the Communications and Postal Regulatory Authority largest number of people possible". The regulator also said that
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