Page 90 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
P. 90


                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                              IN SAMENA REGION


        Afghanistan Telecom  Regulatory  Authority (ATRA)  generates   of  transparency and  accountability  in  the transfer  of  money
        a  considerable  amount of revenue  to  the Afghan government,   from the government  institutions to the Ministry  of Finance.
        particularly, since  the approval  of a  10% levied tax  on telecom   According  to  some  financial  experts,  the  existence  of  massive
        services, and 2.5% on the net incomes of the telecommunication   corruption causes an ambiguity among government bodies in the
        company sales. According to reports from the Ministry of Finance   proper  allocation  of the  national budget.  Lack of transparency
        of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, ATRA has transferred Afs   in transferring  and spending  budget  made lawmakers form a
        878 million ($11.3mn) to the special account of the Ministry of   special  commission  to conduct  comprehensive research  into
        Finance, allocated to be spent through the national budget on a   the two emergency funds (Code 91 and Code 92). The assigned
        priority basis. These revenues come from 2.5% on the net incomes   commission  will also investigate  the  transfer of Afs.15 billion
        of the telecommunication  company  sales  and will  be spent on   from Da  Afghanistan Bank  (Afghanistan’s  Central Bank)  to the
        certain projects, including ATRA’s development project and more.   Ministry of Finance and the Lack of transparency in the collection
        In the meantime, some lawmakers have great concern over lack   of 10% levied on telecom services. (January 13, 2020)


        The High  Court  has  ordered Robi Axiata  Limited to  settle   was abandoned in 2017 for unknown reasons.
        BDT1.38  billion  (USD16  million)  of the BDT8.67  billion  claimed   (January 7, 2020) Dhaka Tribune
        by the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission
        (BTRC) as unpaid dues in its 2019 audit of the telecoms operator.   The telecom regulator is set to recommend slash in international
        The  firm  was  ordered  to  pay  the  sum  in  in  five  instalments.   incoming voice call rate by 65.71 percent to $0.006 a minute in the
        As previously reported by  TeleGeography’s  CommsUpdate,   face of fast shrinking earnings from the segment in recent years.
        in Q1  2019 the regulator  requested  that Robi  Axiata  and rival   Industry insiders said a significant portion of international calls
        GrameenPhone (GP) pay dues totaling BDT8.67 billion (Robi) and   were now being  made through  internet-based  communication
        BDT125.80 billion (GP), which were detected in its 2019 audit and   platforms such as WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger, Imo, Skype and
        were  disputed  by  the two  operators. The cellcos  subsequently   WeChat, which cost nothing other than the price of data. Mobile
        demanded  an arbitration,  but the BTRC denied  the request,   operators also run promotional campaigns of these applications,
        claiming that legislation did not allow it. Due to the impasse with   for which relatives of expatriates have gradually grown the habit
        the BTRC, the two operators were banned from getting approvals   of using the apps.  Bangladesh  Telecommunication  Regulatory
        for new services and packages and could not import equipment   Commission  took  the decision  in a  recent  meeting  following  a
        to maintain their networks. In July 2019 the BTRC slashed GP’s   proposal of IGW Operators Forum (IOF), said Md. Jahurul Haque,
        bandwidth by 30% and Robi’s by 15% for the non-payment of the   Chairman of the commission. International Gateway  (IGW)
        dues, but the block was lifted by mid-July as it was causing issues   operators  are responsible  for the termination  of international
        to subscribers. Further, the BTRC threatened GP and Robi Axiata   voice calls in Bangladesh from other countries. Legal voice calls
        with cancellations  of their 2G/3G concessions  if the requested   have currently gone down to about two crore minutes a day, which
        sums were not settled, prompting the cellcos to file cases with a   was  some 10 crore minutes  a few years back. Termination  of
        Dhaka court, seeking permanent injunctions against the telecom   international calls was one of the main sources of earnings for the
        regulator’s audit claims.  Elsewhere, the BTRC is now planning   government even five years back. But it has shrunk substantially
        to  audit the country’s  third  largest operator  by  subscribers   in recent years. In fiscal 2014-15, the government’s earning from
        Banglalink. The BTRC has launched the process of selecting an   such calls was Tk 2,075.62 crore, which declined to Tk 1,387.37
        audit  firm,  with  interested  companies  given  until  4  February  to   crore, Tk 967.63 crore, Tk 900.35 crore and lastly to a few hundred
        submit their  proposals. A previous attempt to audit Banglalink   crore taka  in the successive years respectively, according  to

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