Page 86 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
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        off-line. We all have to work together and   attending the World Economic Forum.   Slim Helù of Mexico, it  is  co-chaired by
        increase our  efforts to bring  technology   Ongoing work of the Commission  ITU’s  Secretary-General Houlin Zhao and
        to the  people,  in every area and every   The  Broadband  Commission  for  UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay.
        walk of life.” The Broadband Commission   Sustainable Development was established   It comprises over 50 Commissioners who
        launched  the ‘Broadband Transforming   in 2010 by ITU and UNESCO with the aim   represent a  cross-cutting group of top
        Lives’ campaign at the Davos meeting to   of boosting the importance of broadband   CEO and industry leaders,  senior policy-
        mark  its 10th Anniversary  this year.  The   on the international policy agenda, and   makers and government  representatives,
        campaign aims to showcase the power of   expanding  broadband  access in every   and experts  from  international  agencies,
        broadband on all aspects of people’s lives.   country  as  key  to accelerating  progress   academia and organizations concerned
        This is the sixth time that the Broadband   towards  national  and  international  with development.  Learn more at: www.
        Commission has  held a  session bringing   development  targets. Led by  President
        together  a  myriad of stakeholders   Paul  Kagame of  Rwanda  and  Carlos

        US Digital Tax Proposal Gets EU Cold Shoulder

                                                                                 Two  officials  close  to  the  OECD  process
                                                                                 are now  playing  down the prospect of a
                                                                                 breakthrough  and raised doubts  that any
                                                                                 global compromise would be found before
                                                                                 a final deadline in June. One official went
                                                                                 further, questioning  whether  Washington
                                                                                 would be  willing  to  compromise  in  the
                                                                                 summer —  only months before U.S.
                                                                                 voters head to the polls in November. The
                                                                                 French  Finance  Minister Bruno Le Maire
                                                                                 is scheduled  to meet  Mnuchin on  the
                                                                                 margins of the  World Economic Forum
                                                                                 in the Swiss Alpine  town of Davos.  The
                                                                                 Frenchman  said  that  the U.S  truce  will
                                                                                 help convince  Mnuchin  to  abandon  the
                                                                                 American  bid to  offer companies  a  safe
                                                                                 haven from the OECD deal. “I believe it’s a
                                                                                 good launching pad,” he said, refusing to
                                                                                 get  into further  details when  questioned
        Europe is pressing on with its battle to tax   a  French  peacemaking  gesture over its   by  journalists in Brussels.  “Our  technical
        technology  companies  despite France’s   national tax.  After a  phone  call  between   teams  are  in  touch  day  and  night  to  find
        truce with the U.S. France, Germany, Italy   French  President  Emmanuel Macron and   a solution.” “Our objective was always
        and the U.K opposed a U.S plan to water   U.S counterpart Donald Trump, Paris said   to have a tax fit for the 21st century,” Le
        down  an international tax  on  tech  giants   it would suspend collection of its 3 percent   Maire added. “This is an objective that is
        by making it optional. Their  opposition   levy  on digital services until global talks   shared  with the Americans.”  Failure to
        emerged  from behind  closed  doors in   conclude this year. The pause aims to avoid   reach an OECD deal this year will reignite
        Brussels, where European finance ministers   a  trade war  with the U.S  administration,   Brussels’ controversial bid to introduce a
        discussed  the global tax  negotiations,   which had threatened tariffs of up to 100   tax just for the EU. “If international solution
        according  to  five  EU  diplomats  at  the   percent on French cheese and Champagne   takes time to materialize, the European
        meeting.  The  European  Commission   unless Paris  scrapped its  levy.  The truce   Commission  already has  proposed …  an
        also  opposes the U.S  proposal,  which   also aims to give space  for international   EU-wide solution,” Dombrovskis said. That
        U.S  Treasury  Secretary  Steven  Mnuchin   negotiations. Those could  be  at  risk   measure appeared dead last  year  after
        put forward in early December.  “Tax  by   in the new EU-U.S  dispute. Next week,   vetoes from Denmark, Finland, Ireland and
        definition  is  a  compulsory  payment,”   January  29-30,  representatives  of 135   Sweden. The EU can make tax laws only by
        Commission  Executive Vice  President   countries  are traveling  to Paris  in search   unanimous agreement. At the time, some
        Valdis Dombrovskis  told reporters after   of  agreement  on a  blueprint  for  a  digital   of the proponents said the EU could revisit
        gathering.  “That’s  the approach that   tax.  The discussions are taking place   the idea after  giving the OECD  process a
        we are advocating also  in international   at  the Organization for Economic Co-  chance.  But EU governments  remain at
        negotiations.”  European  frustration at   operation  and Development,  a  global   odds over a position to take in the global
        the American proposal comes  despite   club of the world’s developed economies.   talks.

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