Page 91 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
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        BTRC officials. A top placed source also said the IGW operators   said. However, as it has been noticed in other mature markets, OTT
        had formed  a cartel to increase incoming  call rates without   [over-the-top] calls will not wipe out the entire (volume of) paid
        taking  approval  from neither  the regulator  nor the government.   international calls but a sizeable portion. Businesses will continue
        That made calls  to Bangladesh pricey.  Voice calling through   to use paid service for better quality as long as the prices remain
        free applications would rise further in Bangladesh with the rise   competitive, Manzur added. Currently, there are 24 IGW operators
        in penetration of smartphones and mobile broadband coverage,   in Bangladesh. Licenses of six were cancelled for unpaid dues.
        said Mushfiq Manzur, Chief Operating Officer of the IOF. This will   (December29, 2019)
        contribute to the decline of paid incoming international calls, he


        The mobile market  added about 357,700  new subscribers  last   lost about 100,000  subscribers  in October, as  the number  of
        October, bringing  the total  number  of mobile subscribers  from   subscribers to the company’s services declined from 20 million
        94.8 million in September to 95.2 million, according to the Ministry   in September to 19.9 million in October. The mobile market had
        of Communications  and Information Technology.  Vodafone   added 140,000  new subscribers  last  September,  bringing  the
        managed to add about 230,000 new subscribers to its network   number of subscribers to 94.9 million in September. The mobile
        last October, increasing the number of its customers from 39.9   market witnessed a decline in the number of its users in the past
        million subscribers  in September  to 40.2  million subscribers.   year, after the National Telecom  Regulatory Authority  (NTRA)
        Orange  was  able to add about  37,900 new subscribers  to its   checked user data to remove unregistered lines. In addition, the
        services last  October, increasing  the number  of subscribers  to   high price of mobile lines up to EGP 70, as a result of imposing a
        its  services from 28.2  million subscribers  last  September  and   new fee of EGP 50 per mobile line since the middle of last year,
        reaching 28.3 million. According to the Ministry, Egypt Telecom   affected the number of mobile users. (January 18, 2020)


        The activities of the workshop on “Regulating the Fifth Generation   technology,  the  role  of  the  fifth  generation  in  contributing  to
        of Mobile Communications” started by the Telecommunications   the development of the digital economy, a review of global best
        Regulatory Authority in cooperation with Ericsson in the presence   practices  in  the  field  of  using  the  necessary  spectrum  for  the
        of the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, Dr. Eng. Ghazi   provision  of  fifth  generation  services,  in  addition  to  a  review
        Jabour, experts from Ericsson, and a number of the Authority’s   of global best practices in this field. It is worth noting that the
        employees concerned.  Dr.  Eng. Ghazi Al-Jabour  appreciated   fifth  generation  technology  is  characterized  by  high  speeds  to
        Ericsson’s efforts  in holding  this workshop,  stressing  the   transfer big  data and its integration  with advanced  technology
        importance of informing the authority’s employees of the latest   based on modern  technologies,  in addition to providing the
        developments taking place globally in the field of fifth generation   necessary  infrastructure  to  link  productive  and  service sectors
        services and the possibility of benefiting from them and applying   such as health, education and industry, which qualifies it to be
        them at the local level. Several workshops were held on the same   a platform that supports the  transition  to the  digital economy
        topic in previous times, especially as the authority has already   and the concepts  of the industrial revolution  Fourth, its  future
        begun  preparing  to  provide these services in  the future.  The   applications. (January 8, 2020)
        workshop covered specialized topics, including: fifth generation


        Morocco  reached 24.5  million mobile  internet  subscriptions  at   increased by 9.0 percent to 26.2 million. This takes the internet
        the end of September, up 8.8 percent year-on-year, according to   penetration rate to 73.6 percent. Morocco’s three mobile networks
        the latest quarterly report from telecom regulator ANRT. Including   closed  the quarter with a  combined  mobile  telephony  base of
        fixed broadband connections, the country’s overall internet base   47.5 million, up by 3.2 percent year-on-year. Postpaid customers

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