Page 93 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
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        cybersecurity sector. The program, dubbed Sas Accelerator, has   Media  Centre  which  conducts  scientific  studies  in  cooperation
        been designed especially for individuals and groups to serve as   with Sultan Qaboos University. He also touched on the role of the
        a  business  think-tank,  which provides for the development  of   Oman News Agency (ONA) in broadcasting the official news with
        business ideas in the field of cybersecurity and the encouragement   all credibility. He said that it has expanded its activity gradually and
        of digitalized entrepreneurship, with scopes for improving work   significantly, as the number of its local correspondents reached
        models, building leadership skills aimed to enable participants to   55, in addition to 11 external correspondents. He also referred to
        take steps necessary for the growth of their firms. The pact was   the Press and Publications Law, as well as the Publications and
        signed by Hassan bin Fida Al Lawati, Director General of the Digital   Publishing Committee, which is supervised by the Ministry. In the
        Community  Development  Sector  at  the Ministry  of Technology   field of external media, he explained that the Ministry has made a
        and Communications, and the adviser of the British Embassy in   great effort in this field. During the past year, about 256 journalists
        Muscat. (January 11, 2020)             from different  countries  of the  world visited the  Sultanate. In
                                                               addition to the Sultanates participation in many  book fairs  in
        Ali  bin  Khalfan  al  Jabri, Under  Secretary  of the Ministry  of   various countries, including Paris Book fair and Brunei Book Fair,
        Information, gave an orientation lecture in Majlis Ashshura on the   where the Sultanate was the Guest of Honor. He added that the
        Sultanates Media Policy, and the role of the Ministry of Information   Sultanate is seeking to participate in the Frankfurt International
        in  various aspects related to  the media sector,  new media,   Book Fair during the upcoming sessions of the exhibition, which
        compiled books publications and other competencies assigned   will be a cultural achievement by the Sultanate at the international
        to the Ministry. The lecture was attended by Shaikh Ahmed bin   level. On the media side, Al Jabri said that the Ministry launched
        Mohammad al Nadabi, Secretary-General of Majlis Ashshura and   a media platform that is a huge electronic portal with very rich
        a number of members of Majlis Ashshura. The Information under-  content.  He added  that it contains the Royal  Speeches  of His
        secretary focused on clarifying the balanced media policy of the   Majesty Sultan Qaboos, in addition to all copies of Oman Book,
        Sultanate, indicating that the Ministry is responsible for organizing   issued by the Ministry of Information. The portal has links for the
        the media sector in the Sultanate, monitoring the implementation   Oman News Agency, newspapers, the Public Authority for Radio
        of the media policy and preparing plans and training programs. Al   and Television and the private radio stations.  It  was  launched
        Jabri stressed that the Ministry has recently finished drafting a   in three  languages,  Arabic,  English and French.  He added  that
        unified media law aimed at gathering various types of media under   hopefully it will include other languages. At the end of the lecture
        the umbrella of a single law. He added that in the next stage, the   a discussion was held on developing the media aspects.
        Ministry will also regulate the electronic media under Community   (January 7, 2020)


        Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority  (PTA)  has planned  to   technologies including but not limited to Global System for Mobile
        procure automated quality of service (QoS) monitoring  and   (GSM)/ Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)/ Wideband Code
        benchmarking  tool which would also  have support  measuring   Division Multiple Access (WCDMA)/ High Speed Download Packet
        audio and video services, including live streaming as well as social   Access  (HSDPA)/ High Speed  Upload Packet Access  (HSUPA)/
        media, including  emerging over-the-top  (OTT) communication   High Speed Packet Access+ (HSPA+)/ Long Term Evolution (LTE)/
        services  testing.  According  to  the  official  documents,  the   Voice  over Long Term Evolution  (VoLTE)/ Long Term Evolution
        automated  system  will  bear  the  specifications  including  the   Advance  (LTE-Advance)  etc,  (i.e.  2nd,  3rd  &  4th  generation
        capacity  to test and benchmark QoS across number  of mobile   wireless technologies) in all bands/spectrum, carrier aggregation
        operators (i.e. simultaneous and continuous measurement of at   in contiguous/noncontiguous bands/technologies and should be
        least five mobile networks), with the objective to reproduce end   upgradeable to 5G. The equipment would be able to determine
        user experience  in different mobile networks, device types and   and plot the route and map it with respect to its GPS coordinates.
        wireless technologies  (i.e.  2G/3G/4G)  operational  in Pakistan.   Plotting will only show the relative movements with reference to a
        The  system will have data collection  and data analysis (post   starting reference point. The equipment should be interface able
        processing)  modules and related services to benchmark  voice,   with off-the-shelf digitized map of the region, at any time in future
        SMS and data QoS KPIs for at least five operators simultaneously   with minimum hardware and software up-gradation. All instances
        and will have the capability to expand to include more operators,   have to be time and day stamped. The system should have power
        if  required.  It  would  have  the  capability  to  perform  field  tests,   measurement accuracies  of up to ±  1/2  dB  (min).  The system
        measure, benchmark  and  report  QoS  Key  Advance Indicators   should have time dependent measurements accuracies of one-
        (KPIs) as defined in mobile services licensees issued from time   second  minimum.  The  specification  will  explicitly  indicate  the
        to time to cellular mobile operators (CMOs) in Pakistan, as well as   minimum and maximum levels which can be measured by such
        global industry standards and best practices. The system will be   an instrument. The system should have an extension for indoor /
        required to measure all the QoS KPIs and should support all the   walk test service quality and coverage measurement. The system

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