Page 85 - SAMENA Trends - January 2020
P. 85


                                             REGULATORY NEWS

        UN Broadband Commission Advocates for Financing Inclusive Meaningful

        Connectivity for Sustainable Impact

        The ITU UNESCO Broadband Commission
        for Sustainable  Development  examined
        new   financing   models   that   would
        help accelerate  ‘meaningful  universal
        connectivity’ on the  sidelines of the
        Annual  Meeting of the World Economic
        Forum  in Davos, Switzerland. Today,
        an  estimated  3.6  billion people  remain
        offline. The majority  of  the unconnected
        live  in  least  developed  countries,  where
        an  average of just  two  out of every  ten
        people  are online.  The Commissioners
        agreed  that targeted  efforts  are needed
        to lower the cost of broadband, as well as
        innovative policies to finance the rollout of
        broadband  infrastructure to unconnected
        populations. Collaboration among diverse
        stakeholders  will  be key  to  making
        universal and meaningful  connectivity
        a  reality  for all. “We are on the verge of
        a  new  era  that  requires quick,  effective
        and  innovative  financing  instruments  to
        connect  the remaining  unconnected.  The   holistic  approaches.  Commissioners  like artificial intelligence (AI) to create a
        old ways can no longer work in this era and   and participants also  examined ways   real-time map of school locations and
        we can no longer afford having anyone left   to address the digital investment gap,   their connectivity level.
        behind,”  said  Paula  Ingabire, Minister of   policies  and incentives for investors and   •  Finance a Common Bid that aggregates
        ICT and Innovation, Republic  of Rwanda,   other digital  industry  stakeholders,  and   connectivity demand in schools (pooled
        representing President Paul Kagame, who   what  innovative  financing  models  can  be   across multiple countries) and creates
        Co-Chairs the Commission. “Expanding   scaled up to expand infrastructure. Among   a  cost-forecasting model  to make
        avenues  for investment in information   the models highlighted is the ITU UNICEF   connectivity more affordable.
        and communication  technology  (ICT)   School  Connectivity  project,  also  known   •  Connect every school to the Internet and
        infrastructure has always been one of my   as the ‘GIGA’ initiative. It aims at bringing   create a monitoring system to oversee
        priorities,”  said  ITU  Secretary-General   connectivity to every school in every village   the level and quality of connectivity
        Houlin Zhao. “As we enter a new decade,   around the world to empower young people   delivered by internet service providers.
        the  last decade to achieve the  United   with the digital skills they need to flourish   •  Empower  young  people  with skills  by
        Nations Sustainable Development  Goals,   in the digital economy. The GIGA initiative   investing in, and scaling up, open source
        we  need  new  incentives  and  financing   is anchored  in the  Secretary-General’s   solutions that – with connectivity – will
        solutions  to create environments  that   High-level  Panel on Digital  Cooperation’s   be available to children,  teachers  and
        are conducive to investment  in ICT.     findings which state, that by “2030 every   administrators.
        ‘Meaningful  universal  connectivity’  adult should  have affordable  access  to   “Digital  technologies can dramatically
        encompasses broadband that is available,   digital networks” and calls  for  “a  broad,   improve  the  lives  of  people  and
        accessible,  relevant and affordable,  but   multi-stakeholder  alliance,  involving  the   communities and deliver on the promise of
        also that is safe, trusted, user-empowering   UN to create a platform for sharing digital   the United Nations Agenda 2030 to leave
        and leads to positive impact.  It  also   public goods.”                 no one  behind,” said  Doreen  Bogdan-
        advocates the need to go beyond ‘business   The GIGA initiative has four pillars:   Martin, Director ITU  Telecommunication
        as  usual’ policy prescriptions  and   •  Map  connectivity  of every  school  and   Development  Bureau. “Multi-stakeholder
        projects,  and towards more collaborative   use it  to show where connectivity   collaboration  and partnership  will  be key
        models  based on resource sharing and   demand  is, and use  new technologies   to connecting  the 3.6  billion people  still

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