Page 8 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 8


                                       Fixed Wireless Access (FWA)

        SAMENA  Council Highlights  Importance  of FWA in Developing  Digital
        Economies and Recovering Investment Costs

        Given the anticipated role of Fixed Wireless
        Access (FWA) in the  development  of 5G
        networks within and around the SA-ME-NA
        and Central Asia regions, SAMENA Council
        has  announced dedicated  FWA working
        group to focus on experience management,
        business  development,  and  service
        innovation. This follows the creation of the
        ELITE FWA Club, which was launched in
        December 2023 in Dubai, and will receive
        member support  and  thought-leadership
        contributions  from  SAMENA Council as
        well as the Industry. ELITE FWA Club aims
        to provide opportunity for leaders in the ICT
        sector to delve into critical areas relating to
        the FWA business, to help foster innovation,

           “As the Club meets for the           SAMENA Council observes that, within the SA-ME-NA

           second time, it is import-           region and the emerging markets, FWA, as an affordable
           ant to remind  ourselves             high-speed  home  broadband  access solution,  is
           that,  while  fiber  has  set        enabling Operators quickly recover investment costs.
           the  benchmark  for  fixed           In  gradually maturing digital  economies  within  the

           broadband service qual-              SA-ME-NA region,  particularly  in  the  greater  GCC
           ity, speed, and reliability,         region, FWA is contributing to Operator’s market share
           the  logistical  and  finan-         and revenue growth.
           cial side of fiber deploy-        customer experience  management,  and   achieved with both may not be achievable

           ment  typically  remains          ecosystem  maturity  while  advocating  for   with fiber alone”, stated BA.
                                             commercial  advancements  in  the  FWA
           a  feat to overcome. We           sector.                             SAMENA Council  observes  that,  within
           should  leverage  unique          During  the  second  meeting  of  the  Club,   the  SA-ME-NA region  and  the emerging
                                                                                 markets,  FWA, as  an  affordable  high-
           advantages  of  fiber  and        held  in  Barcelona on February 28,  Bocar   speed  home broadband  access  solution,
           fixed  wireless  access,          BA, CEO of SAMENA Council, in his keynote   is  enabling  Operators quickly recover
                                                                                 investment  costs.  In gradually maturing
                                             speech,  drew attention  to the need  to
           for what can be achieved          leverage both Fiber and FWA. “As the Club   digital  economies  within  the  SA-ME-NA
           with  both  may  not  be          meets for the second time, it is important   region, particularly in  the  greater GCC
                                             to remind ourselves that, while fiber has set
                                                                                 region,  FWA is  contributing  to  Operator’s
           achievable  with  fiber           the benchmark for fixed broadband service   market  share  and  revenue growth.
           alone”                            quality, speed, and reliability, the logistical   Moreover, there  appears  to be a  direct
                                                                                 correlation in making use of 5G investments
                                             and  financial  side  of  fiber  deployment
           Bocar BA,  CEO  & Board           typically  remains  a feat  to overcome.  We   and empowering other sectors to achieve
           Member of SAMENA Council          should leverage unique advantages of fiber   greater efficiencies through new use cases
                                             and fixed wireless access, for what can be   of wireless technologies.

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