Page 3 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
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        Fostering Investment in Digital Development

        Undeniably,  the  global  digital  economy   Another key aspect  of the  navigating  the
        is  on  a success  trajectory, and  it  has   way forward to  digital  transformation, is
        taken  tremendous  policy,  regulatory, and   to monetize  heavy investments that  have
        investment efforts to achieve this success.   already  been  made  in  advanced  mobile
        However, we need to physically manifest the   infrastructure, especially in 5G. On this front,
        transformative power of mobile connectivity   in  pursuit  of greater  collaboration  among
        to materialize and sustainable digitalization   SAMENA Council's technology-provider and
        across  societal,  business,  as  well  as   telecom operator members as well as other
        industrial  and  economic spheres.  The   stakeholders  both  within  and  outside  of
        journey to digitalization, and thereby digital   the SA-ME-NA region, the Council observes
        transformation, requires  us  to navigate   that  Fixed Wireless  Access technology is
        through challenges with a unified approach   a  strong  option  for recovering  investment
        and aligning our priorities.          costs -- which can then be redirected more
                                              effectively to other required areas in digital
        Fortunately, we have many things happening   transformation. Various possibilities  exist
        within SAMENA Council that directly support   in  this  regard, including  home broadband   Bocar A. BA
                                                                                      Chief Executive Officer
        such navigation.                      access solution and remote connectivity for   & Board Member
                                              underserved or unconnected regions.     SAMENA Telecommunications
        SAMENA Council is engaging with regional                                      Council
        and global bodies to help enhance national   Moreover,  as  effective  collaboration
        policy and  regulatory capacities,  and  to   among governments,  private  sector, and
        scale  up the  impact of innovative  digital   international  bodies  is  vital  for advancing   around  incentives  in  regulatory
        services,  digital  economy  platforms,  sustainable  development  initiatives, the   compliance,  efficiencies  in  regulatory
        localized  digital  technology,  and  ensuring   Council, as a part of its advocacy program,   and  administrative  procedures,  and
        general enablement and facilitation for the   continues to identify areas of industry-wide   introducing future-centric  approaches
        digital ecosystem. The Council is of the view   co-operation,  including  collaboration  on   in  spectrum approaches  and  taxation
        that  it  is  imperative  to remain  mindful of   leveraging  digital  technologies  to improve   regimes.
        advancements and innovations under play in   access  to  education,  healthcare,  essential
        relation to the regional digital transformation   services,  and  foster  digital  innovation  in   There is a lot to be done in 2024. In May
        trends;  how digital  users  are  impacted  by   the  Arab region. It is  imperative to ensure   this year, as SAMENA Council prepares
        such  trends  in  terms  of choice  and  how   accessibility  of digital  technologies  to all,   to host its annual Leaders' Summit 2024
        market dynamics are transforming in terms   especially underserved communities within   under the  theme "Evolving  toward
        of market  competition  and  investment   the  SA-ME-NA region,  through  initiatives   Integration, Intelligence & Sustainability
        sustainability.  In  other  words,  the  Council   focusing  on  digital  literacy,  connectivity   in Infrastructure", industry stakeholders
        believes  the  digital  ecosystem  needs  to   enhancement,  implementing  broadband   to invited  to help build  momentum on
        be made  sustainable  and  thus  attention  is   financing frameworks (e.g., in pilot countries   many  of  these  areas  by  showcasing
        required  to allow  for end-user  choice, fair   that  SAMENA  Council  identified  earlier   their  capabilities  and  expertise  by
        competition in the digital services platforms   this  year with  UN Broadband  Commission   leveraging  the  annual  leadership
        (especially those directly boosting the digital   and  other  private-sector stakeholders),   platform.
        economy),  and  in  strengthening  ways  to   and,  lastly,  by  address  needs  of telecom
        accelerate innovation and entrepreneurship.  operators -  which  fundamentally  revolve

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