Page 7 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
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ITU Director BDT, Dr. Cosmas Luckyson CEO of GEO at Yandex, Alexander Baksheev, foster innovation and consumer choice.”
Zavazava, in his intervention, expressed who was a key participant in the RISE
the need to foster fair competition to Roundtable, following the stakeholders’ Objective for RISE 2024 was two-fold: One:
drive innovation. “In view of Saudi Arabia's meeting, stated: “Honored to participate Take stock of the innovation under play in
Vision 2030, fostering fair competition in the SAMENA Council RISE high-level relation to the Saudi digital transformation
among digital platforms is essential for roundtable on regulating digital platforms. trends, and what it means for digital users
driving innovation, attracting investment, This event marks a significant step toward in terms of choice, and what it means for
and advancing economic diversification. realizing Vision 2030’s goals and prioritizes existing enterprises in the market as well
Fair competition on digital platforms not a regulatory framework that supports a as those who may be aspiring to enter
only benefits consumers but also supports diverse and dynamic digital economy in the Saudi digital services market. Two:
developers of national applications aimed Saudi Arabia. We discussed how to create how to enable more business, accelerate
at preserving local languages and cultures.” a fair, competitive digital ecosystem to digital transformation, and re-align with
the Saudi Vision, especially on areas
“Honored to participate in the SAMENA Council RISE high- that relate to collaborative regulation,
level roundtable on regulating digital platforms. This event market competition dynamics, and overall
marks a significant step toward realizing Vision 2030’s enablement of local telecom operators,
technology providers, and multi-market
goals and prioritizes a regulatory framework that supports digital service providers.
a diverse and dynamic digital economy in Saudi Arabia. Mobily, stc Group, Salam, China Mobile,
We discussed how to create a fair, competitive digital UNDP, Syniverse, Tech Mahindra, Zain Tech,
ecosystem to foster innovation and consumer choice.” and TMRW Foundation were among the key
contributors to the discussion in the RISE
Alexander Baksheev, CEO of GEO at Yandex Roundtable in Riyadh.
Following the multi-stakeholder dialogue, exchange of ideas and insights among the RISE participants, and in consideration
of its own observations and advocacy engagement with global ICT development bodies and think-tanks, SAMENA Council has
submitted to the Saudi government stakeholders some recommendations and suggested actions, as follows:
For Fostering Fair Competition, More Choice, Enhanced Innovation
1. Arab countries need to drive greater impact and value from 6. Guarantee free choice for users and developers by limiting
their digital transformation initiatives by promoting an open all forms of gatekeepers' ability to predefined user options
and competitive digital environment, where pro-competition through pre-installation and setting default settings of
policies should be adopted by sector regulators. essential services, such as default search engines, internet
2. Promote multi-stakeholder dialogue and engagement to browsers, voice assistants, payment platforms, etc.
ensure diverse perspectives are considered in policymaking 7. Develop transparent guidelines and definitions of
and regulatory decision-making processes. digital platforms and gatekeepers to ensure clarity and
3. Through multi-stakeholder dialogue, develop and implement accountability in regulatory processes.
an optimal set of principles to foster and facilitate competition 8. Ensure enforceability in regulations through robust
in the market. mechanisms, enabling faster and more effective
4. Promote fair competition among digital platforms to foster implementation of regulatory measures, such as to address
innovation, attract investment, and drive economic growth. anti-trust issues, to curb monopolistic control of mobile
5. Support national application developers in preserving and application ecosystem, and to prevent anti-competitive
promoting Arabian language, culture, and tradition. conduct, in general.