Page 126 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
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                                  REGULATORY ACTIVITIES BEYOND

                                            THE SAMENA REGION

                         Telecommunications company  Medion  Australia  Pty   said that the rules had been very effective in stamping
                         Ltd (Medion) has paid a $259,440 penalty for failing to   out SIM-swap fraud, which made Medion’s non-
                         comply with customer identification rules, resulting in   compliance stand  out. “SIM-swap  fraud can cause
                         a number of people falling victim to SIM-swap scams.   significant  harm  as  scammers  may  then  be  able  to
        Australia        An Australian  Communications and  Media  Authority   gain access to your online banking accounts and other
                         (ACMA) investigation found Medion failed to complete   personal information. In this case, criminals have taken
                         a  required  customer  verification  check  for  more  than   advantage of Medion’s compliance failures,” she said.
                         1,600  SIM-swap requests  and  one  password reset   “The  rules  have now been  in  place  for well  over 12
                         request. These compliance failures led to nine known   months,  so  telcos  have  had  more  than  enough  time
                         cases  of people having  their  SIMs  swapped  illegally,   to  ensure  they  have  robust  verification  processes.”
                         five  of  whom  suffered  financial  losses  totalling  over   In  addition  to  the  financial  penalty,  the  ACMA  has
                         $160,000.  SIM-swap scams occur  when a scammer   accepted a comprehensive two-year court-enforceable
                         takes control of a person’s mobile number by using the   undertaking  from Medion  committing  the  company
                         individual’s personal details to request a new SIM. Under   to appoint  an independent  consultant  to review its
                         industry rules introduced in 2022, telcos are required to   compliance with  the  customer ID  rules  and  to make
                         conduct a  multi-factor identity  authentication  check   improvements where needed. Medion must also report
                         before  undertaking  high-risk  customer requests  such   regularly to the ACMA on its progress.
                         as  SIM-swaps,  changes  to  accounts  or disclosure  of   (January 17, 2024)
                         personal  information.  ACMA  Chair  Nerida  O’Loughlin

                         Telecom regulator, the Information and Communication   ICTA staff  on  the  preparation  level  of the  regulatory
                         Technologies  Agency (ICTA),  held  discussions  with   framework in the field of internet telecommunications
                         telecommunications operators and providers operating   services. It was reported that in the analysis, a number
                         in the country the regulatory framework in the field of   of indicators from 60  international  rating  tables  were
        Azerbaijan       internet  telecommunications  services.  Nail  Mardanov,   used.  After the  presentation,  discussions  were  held
                         acting head of the agency said, providing information   with  representatives  of operators and  providers, and
                         on the  necessity  and  importance of shaping  the   their  opinions  and  proposals  were  heard.  During  the
                         regulatory environment, improving regulation  and   discussions, issues that are necessary to be addressed
                         supervision  institutions,  the  impact  on  international   in  Azerbaijan,  as  well  as  the  opportunities  for  public-
                         ratings, as well as the measures taken in our country   private partnerships, were also discussed. It was also
                         in the field of regulation. Nail Mardanov also delivered   noted the necessity of continuous exchange of views
                         information  about  the  work done  by  the  regulatory   around the mentioned issues. ICTA declares once again
                         body and informed that the analysis of the preparation   that  it  is  fully open to suggestions  and discussions
                         level of the regulatory framework in the field of internet   around  the  analysis  posted  on  the  official  website.
                         telecommunications  services  has  been  conducted   (March 4, 2024)
                         by ICTA. Afterwards, presentations  were made by

                         Data from China’s Ministry of Industry and Information   an  increase  of 180.5  million;  China  Telecom 318.7
                         Technology  (MIIT)  reportedly  showed  operators  had   million  (50.7  million);  and  China  Unicom nearly  260
                         deployed 3.4  million  5G base  stations  at end-2023,   million  (47  million).  The  number of 5G  subscribers
                         with the three major mobile players adding 278 million   with  compatible handsets  reached 805  million,  MIIT
        China            package  customers across  the  year.  More  than  80   reportedly  estimated.  Only  China  Mobile  releases  5G
                         per  cent  of administrative  villages  nationwide  have
                                                                        network customer numbers in its quarterly numbers: it
                         5G  connectivity, telecoms  portal  reported.   ended Q3 2023 with 425 million and is due to release
                         Operator statistics for December 2023 showed the big   Q4 2023 figures in March.
                         three  ended  the  year  with  a  combined 1.4  billion  5G   (January 23, 2024)
                         package  customers. China  Mobile  had  794.5  million,

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