Page 129 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
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A final determination on the mandatory standards KQI’ – which monitor and enforce the parameters in the
for quality of service (MSQoS) related to ‘Wireless standards – and the ‘Monitoring KQI’ – which keep track
Broadband Access Service’ has been issued by of the parameters for improvement purpose. With the
the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia final determination having now been published, the new
Malaysia Commission (MCMC). Previously, the regulator last MSQoS will come into effect from 1 April 2024.
month had confirmed its intention to establish two sets
(January 5, 2024)
of ‘Key Quality Indicators’ (KQI), namely the ‘Mandatory
The Namibian telecoms watchdog has revoked UCOM tition in the Namibian market. “The non-payment of
Mobile’s telecoms license due to unpaid license fees spectrum fees and hoarding are serious violations of
totaling NAD19.3 million (US$1 million). The Namibian license conditions and grounds for cancellation,” said
reported there had been multiple attempts to reach a Nghikembua. UCOM Mobile was also found guilty of
Namibia payment agreement which did not materialize. CRAN “spectrum hoarding” according to the regulator, by not
chief executive Emilia Nghikembua said the move was
effectively using its assigned frequencies for mobile
to ultimately protect consumers and maintain compe- services. (January 18, 2024)
The Netherlands is one step closer to licensing its before August 1. The auction has been held back by
3.5GHz spectrum after the Dutch government finally lengthy delays, caused partly by disputes with satellite
published the regulations governing the auction. If operator Inmarsat, which was using some of the
all goes well, it will be concluded by this summer and spectrum for its operations.
The operators will be able to start using their frequencies (February 14, 2024)
The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), has The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC)
called on telecommunications operators (Telcos), to has confirmed that telecoms operators, MTN and
adopt data-driven and intelligent solutions to enhance Globacom, have reached an agreement to resolve
network performance, coverage, and capacity. The interconnect debt issue between them. This was
Nigeria NCC stated this in its latest survey report on Machine announced by the Director of Public Affairs of the
Learning (ML) and Data Analytics, The survey, which commission, Reuben Muoka. “In granting the approval,
stressed the need for the increased adoption rate of the Commission was deeply conscious of the potential
Machine Learning and Data Analytics among telecoms impacts of the decision on consumers and therefore
operators, said the telecoms industry has contributed continued to engage both parties to facilitate a
so much to Nigeria’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) resolution which prioritizes and protects consumer
and has impacted the economy to a level that calls interest and the seamless operation of the national
for protection of the industry, hence the need for the telecoms network,” NCC said. With the development,
survey. The study looked at the current and future Glo subscribers will not be barred from making calls
landscape of machine learning and data analytics to MTN, and neither will MTN subscribers have any
adoption in mobile communications network planning issues calling Glo network as earlier announced by
and optimization within Nigeria. Utilizing a cross- the telecommunications industry regulator last week.
sectional approach, the research incorporates surveys, While the notice from NCC last week had stated that
focus group discussions, and key informant interviews Glo was owing MTN interconnect fees, industry sources
to uncover trends, challenges, and opportunities in the later confirmed that Glo had actually paid off the debt
telecoms sector. (March 14, 2024) in question. (January 19, 2024)