Page 130 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 130


                         Poland’s   regulator   the   Office   of   Electronic   ones that do not always have adequate human resources
                         Communications (UKE) has  signed  an  agreement   and substantive knowledge. reported that UKE
                         with  the  cities  of  Rzeszów  and  Wrocław  as  well  as   President Jacek Oko wants to put the dedicated local
                         the  Union of Polish  Metropolises  (Unia  Metropolii   government  private  5G  network  band  to  work so  will
        Poland           Polskich) to educate local governments in the use of   now share practical 5G knowledge in the field. Before
                         5G to build private networks. From a wider perspective
                                                                        UKE  decided  to allocate  the  3800-4200MHz  band  for
                         the  initiative  is  intended  to help  the  municipalities  to   private  5G  networks  (of  which  the  first  100MHz  for
                         effectively  manage  spectrum, while  also  convincing   exclusive use by local government units for their own
                         potential  investors  and  local  communities  about  the   needs), Oko said UKE representatives held many talks
                         benefits of Smart City applications. The Union of Polish   with  local  government  officials  and  organizations
                         Metropolises  represents  the  12 largest  cities  in  the   associating local government units.
                         country. The regulator emphasized that the agreement   (January 17, 2024)
                         is open to all local government units, including smaller

                         Romanian regulator, the National Authority for Manage-  It  also includes caching services  like  CDNs,  reverse
                         ment and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) has   proxies  or content  adaptation  proxies  and  hosting
                         gazetted  a  new  national  digital  services  law – which   services  such as  cloud services  or web hosting,  plus
                         applies  EU regulations  on digital  services – that  will   paid referral services or services that allow the sharing
        Romaina          come into force three days after publication. The new   of information and content online, including file storage
                                                                        and sharing. According to the law, intermediate service
                         law  establishes  the  national  measures  necessary
                         for the  application  of the  digital;  services  regulation,   providers who have their main place of establishment
                         designates the coordinator of digital services (ANCOM)   or residence in Romania or their  legal  representa-
                         and adopts the sanctioning regime applicable in case   tive  is  established  in  Romania  have  the  obligation  to
                         of non-compliance with the obligations established by   send  ANCOM,  within  no  more  than  45  days  from the
                         the regulation on digital services or by law. At the same   date  of starting  to  offer  services,  information  which
                         time, the law also creates a mechanism through which   will include the identification data of the supplier and
                         public authorities or institutions that have “competenc-  its  contact  data  in  order to communicate effective-
                         es  in  certain  sectors  or  fields  of  activity”  can  issue   ly  with  public authorities,  announcing  any changes
                         orders for  the  removal  of certain  content  consid-  as well. ANCOM’s obligation to inform also applies to
                         ered  illegal  under  national  rules.  The  first  part  of  the   suppliers who offer intermediate services on the date
                         law  covers  off “intermediary  service  providers.”  This   of entry  into force  of the  law, the  45-day  term  being
                         basically  includes  transmission  services  like  internet   calculated  from  this  moment.  The  form,  content  and
                         exchange points, wireless access points, virtual private   conditions under which the information will be provid-
                         networks,  DNS  services,  first-level  domain  name   ed are included in the draft decision on the information
                         registries,  registrars  for  domains,  the  certification   procedure for intermediate service providers, which are
                         authorities that issue digital certificates, VoIP telepho-  currently under public consultation.
                         ny and other interpersonal  communication services.   (March 21, 2024)

                         The Federal Department of the Environment, Transport,   renewed. In Zurich – Northeastern Switzerland, TeleZüri
                         Energy  and  Communications  (DETEC)  has  issued  38   was assessed to have presented the best application.
                         licenses to local radio and regional television stations   However, under the 2+2 rule, where one company cannot
                         for the period 2025 to 2034. The majority of the licenses   be  granted  a license  for  more  than  two  TV or radio
        Switzerland      are going to the incumbent. Most of the existing license   stations, Tele Züri cannot be granted the concession. Of
                                                                        the remaining three applications, existing licensee Tele
                         holders will also be awarded the contract for the new
                         period. In  one  TV  and  two radio  coverage  areas,  the   Top was deemed to have the best proposal. In the Biel/
                         license  is  being  awarded  to a  new  applicant.  In  the   Bienne coverage area, the recently established Canal B,
                         coverage areas, Geneva (Léman bleu), Vaud – Freiburg   sister  channel  to Canal  Alpha,  today’s  concessionaire
                         (la  télé),  Bern  (TeleBärn)  and  Eastern  Switzerland   in  the  Arc Jurassien  coverage area, won out against
                         (TVO), the existing broadcasters will have their licenses   TeleBielingue. (January 12, 2024)

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