Page 92 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 92


        Lockheed to Obtain Vector Satellite Assets

        President  of Iran’s University of Science   comes  after an earlier version of the   said.  Iran is  one of the 9  superior  states
        and  Technology  Jabbar  Ali  Zakeri  said   satellite, dubbed Payam, was successfully   in building satellites beside the US,
        that  the  IUST  has  delivered the home-  launched  into  space  in  January,  but  the   Russia, Europe  and Canada.  Barari  had
        made Zafar satellite to the country’s Space   technical  problems that occurred  during   announced  in  December  2018  that  Iran
        Agency (ISA) to be launched into the orbit   the final stage of the launch prevented the   was  planning  to manufacture a home-
        soon.  “Zafar  satellite  has  been  delivered   spacecraft from reaching orbit. Following   made telecommunication  satellite in the
        to the ISA and the launch procedures are   the incident, Minister of Communications   next few years. “Building  an indigenized
        underway at the organization,” Zakeri told   and Information  Technology  Mohammad   telecommunication  satellite within the
        FNA.  He  added  that  the satellite  will  be   Javad  Azari  Jahromi  said  that  Iran  failed   next  7  years  is  atop  the  ISA’s  plans,”
        the first spacecraft which will be launched   to orbit Payam satellite successfully. The   Barari said. He added that the preliminary
        by  Iran  into the  orbit in  the next three   rocket carrying the Payam  satellite failed   steps had  already  been  taken  by  Iran
        months. Zakeri had told FNA in May that   to reach the “necessary speed” in the third   to manufacture a  telecommunication
        Zafar  is  designed  by  experts  at  research   stage of its launch, Azari Jahromi said at   satellite by building Nahid 1 and Nahid 2
        center  of the university and it weighs   the time. According to him, the rocket had   satellites. Barari underlined that Iran also
        90  kilograms, is  equipped  with  color   successfully  passed  its  first  and  second   planned to build a sensing satellite with a
        cameras and can survey the oil reserves,   stages before developing problems in the   1-meter precision power in 7 years. Barari
        mines, jungles, and natural disasters. Iran   third. He did not elaborate on what caused   had also announced in October 2018 that
        launched  its  first  satellite,  called  Omid   the rocket failure. President of Amir Kabir   his country was standing among the 9 top
        (Hope),  in February 2009.  The  Rasad   University of Technology  Seyed Ahmad   world countries  in  developing  satellites.
        (Observation) satellite was also sent into   Motamedi underlined  in February Iran’s   He also added that Iran ranked first in the
        orbit in June 2011. In February 2012, Iran   capability to orbit high-quality  satellites   region in the aerospace sector, explaining
        successfully  put its  third domestically   in an altitude 500km above the Earth. “We   that Iran ranked 14th in the world in 2016
        manufactured satellite, named  the Navid   are able to send satellites to the 500-km   but it jumped three grades and ranked 11th
        (Promise),  into orbit. On February  8,   altitude and we can design satellites based   in the world in 2017.
        2012,  Iran  received  the  first  image  sent   on international standards,”  Motamedi
        by  the Navid satellite.  Earlier, Head of
        the  Iranian Space  Agency  (ISA) Morteza
        Barari said that experts and scientists at
        the Tehran-based  Amirkabir University
        of Technology  will  start  the development
        project of a  telecommunication satellite
        dubbed  ‘Payam  2’  by  late  May.  Barari
        said that three development  plans for
        building Payam 2 are being reviewed and
        the production operation  will  commence
        within  three weeks,  once  the best plan
        is  selected. Building  the device will  take
        up to  four years,  he added. The move

        Investor Urges Intelsat to Reject FCC Spectrum Offer

        A major investor in satellite service provid-  $4.85  billion if  it  successfully  meets the   billions of dollars of expenditures” in 2020
        er Intelsat pressed the company to reject   transition requirements. But in a letter to   without the prospect of payment until May
        a  proposal  from  US  regulators  offering   Intelsat’s  board, Appaloosa  Management   2021.  He  said  taking  on that  risk  “could
        billions of dollars in exchange for access   President David  Tepper  derided  the sum   easily trigger an insolvency before reloca-
        to its spectrum, arguing the terms are un-  as “an affront when compared to the val-  tion can be accomplished”. He pressed In-
        fair and expose it to financial risk. A plan   ues achieved in  auctions  of comparable   telsat to negotiate “fair commercial terms”
        recently  unveiled  by  FCC Chairman Ajit   spectrum  across the globe  over  the past   with  the  FCC.  If  it  cannot do so, he said
        Pai would offer satellite service providers   decade”. The company owns a 7.4 per cent   the company “has no choice but to resort
        up  to  $9.7  billion  in  incentives  to  swift-  stake in  Intelsat.  Tepper  also  took issue   to bankruptcy and litigation” to protect its
        ly  free  up  C-Band  spectrum  (3.7GHz  to   with the proposed process for distributing   spectrum assets. The FCC is scheduled to
        4.2GHz) so the airwaves can be used for   incentive and reimbursement funds, argu-  vote on the plan at its next monthly meet-
        5G. Intelsat stands to receive as much as   ing it requires satellite companies to “front   ing, scheduled for 28 February.

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