Page 90 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 90


        China  to Complete  Its Answer to GPS with Beidou  Navigation  Satellite

        Launches in March, May

        China will  launch Beidou navigation   services. Notably Beidou removes previous   various ground stations, including master
        satellites in March  and May this year,   Chinese military reliance on U.S. GPS, which   control stations, time synchronization and
        completing a constellation designed for an   would be made  unavailable in a  conflict.   uplink stations and monitoring stations.¬
        array  of  civil and military  applications. A   The Beidou system has been constructed   The user segment refers to receivers and
        Long March 3B rocket arrived at the Xichang   in  three phases.  The construction  of   processors that allow a system or device
        Satellite Launch Center Feb. 14, according   BDS-1  to  provide  services to  China  was   to  make  use of  the signals  transmitted
        to China News Service. The Beidou satellite   completed  by 200.  BDS-2, providing   by  satellites.  BDS features compatibility
        for the launch has also arrived at Xichang,   services  to  the  Asia-Pacific  region,  was   and interoperability  with other  navigation
        the report  states.  Both  missions will   completed  by  2012,  while BDS-3  will  be   satellite systems.  The  Beidou  is also
        launch single satellites to geosynchronous   completed to provide global services in H1   features in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
        transfer orbits using enhanced hypergolic   2020.  As  with  GPS  and other navigation   mega-project. The  system has become
        Long   March  3B   rockets.  Xichang  systems, Beidou also has requisite ground   operational in Pakistan following rollout of
        spaceport  has  implemented  measures   and user segments  as  well  as  the space   ground stations, with the military opting to
        to counter the  spread of the Covid-19   segment.. The ground segment consists of   switch from GPS to Beidou services.
        coronavirus, but has resumed launches
        following  the Chinese  New Year holiday.
        China announced plans for more than 40
        launches this year ahead of the outbreak.
        The completed Beidou navigation satellite
        system consists of 27 satellites in medium
        Earth  orbits,  five  in  geostationary  orbits
        and three in inclined GEO orbits. The orbits
        of the  latter are designed  to form two
        figure  eight  loops  to  provide  optimized
        coverage to  China and neighboring
        countries  in  the  Asia-Pacific.  Beidou
        navigation and positioning  system  (BDS)
        is used in sectors including public security,
        transportation,  fishing,  power,  forestry,
        disaster reduction, the construction  of
        smart cities, social governance and mass
        market applications. This system can also
        be used for emergency search and rescue.
        BDS also boosts  the capabilities of the
        People’s Liberation Army in areas including
        weapons targeting, guidance  and other

        Thaicom 5 Satellite Ends Service

        Thaicom Public  Company Limited has   completed  the deorbiting  of Thaicom  5   deorbit the Thaicom 5 satellite. Thaicom 5
        announced  the successful  migration   on 26  February  2020  at  4.52  p.m.  (Local   provided reliable  satellite  communication
        of its  customers from the Thaicom 5   Time).  On  17  December  2019,  Thaicom   services for 14  years since its  launched
        satellite to Thaicom 6 and other satellites.   5  experienced  a  technical  issue causing   in May 2006.  The  Company  would  like
        The  Company  has put in its best effort   technical  limitations to  monitoring the   to  thank  the Ministry  of  Digital  Economy
        to  resolving the  technical  anomaly  in   status  of the satellite. The Company has   and Society (MDES)  and the National
        order to ensure the continuity of services   performed several unsuccessful attempts   Broadcasting  and Telecommunications
        to  its  customers.  The migration and   to recover the satellite’s technical incident   Commission  (NBTC) for their prudent
        service restoration were completed on 20   ever since the anomaly occurred, resulting   decision  to support and approve of the
        February 2020.  Meanwhile,  the Company   in the satellite manufacturer’s  opinion  to   relevant process.

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