Page 87 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 87



        Global Cybersecurity and Cyber Resilience are Key to

        Growth and Innovation

           Cyber     risks    extend      far    beyond      the
           telecommunications  and media sectors;
           industry in general, including other operators

           of critical  infrastructure –  is vulnerable  to
           the various threats posed by malicious cyber

        Internet and data driven services are the engines of the modern global
        economy. Consumers and businesses alike depend on the seamless
        integration  and widespread availability  of digital infrastructure for
        routine personal and commercial exchanges across several different
        platforms and devices, and increasingly across borders. As our global
        dependence on digital technologies continues to increase, leaders in
        governments and business must address cybersecurity concerns in
        order to build on the progress and prosperity that the digital economy
        has offered to date.
        In a study published last year, 200 global CEOs identified cybersecurity
        as the top near-term threat to the global economy. These concerns
        come  at  a  time when a  greater share of the global economy, our
        infrastructure, and daily life is being transformed by digitization. For
        example, Cisco estimates that there will be over 28 billion networked
        devices by 2022 – over half of which will support various Internet of
        Things (IoT) applications. In order to usher in the next wave of growth
        and innovation, connected societies across the Middle East and North   Ghazi Almihdar
        Africa (MENA) and around the world must take steps to ensure that   Director – MEA External & Regulatory Affairs
        sensitive information is protected from misuse, abuse, and destruction.    AT&T

        At AT&T, cybersecurity and cyber resilience are business imperatives.
        Our company provides customers around the world with connectivity,
        technology, entertainment, news, advertising and more in more than
        220 countries and territories, including business enterprise services
        to  countries  representing  over 99  percent of  the world’s  economy.
        What’s  more, on  an  average day  our global network carries over
        335 petabytes of data traffic. Just as the continued growth of data
        creation around the world seems assured, so too does the constant

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