Page 152 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
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resources,” he concluded. According to ITU, the official progress. Furthermore, the GIGA project contributes to
source for global ICT statistics, nearly 80 per cent of the ITU Connect 2030 Agenda, which among others,
the population in Kazakhstan uses the Internet, but aims to bridge the digital divide and provide broadband
the figure across the Commonwealth of Independent access to all.”
States (CIS) region ranges between 21 per cent and What is GIGA?
81 per cent. Kazakhstan is among the countries with GIGA has four pillars: map every school in the world,
the highest level of mobile-broadband penetration in finance a common bid that can aggregate connectivity
the CIS region. The country is also a regional leader demand, connect every school to the Internet, and
in access to computers and offered the lowest price empower young people with digital skills for the future.
per gigabyte of all CIS countries with capped entry- GIGA is aligned with Kazakhstan’s digitalization and
level fixed-broadband plans in 2017. “This partnership connectivity vision, the country’s commitment to
with the Government of Kazakhstan is integral to our the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable
acceleration of GIGA – as a lead country in this first Development Goals, and with the UN Secretary-
phase of a global rollout, Kazakhstan will lay the General’s High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation’s
groundwork for new financing models, partners and findings 1A and 1B which state, respectively, that
digital tools – and ultimately opportunity and choice by “2030 every adult should have affordable access
for every young person. This work is critical to closing to digital networks” and calls for “a broad, multi-
the digital divide in Central Asia and around the world,” stakeholder alliance, involving the UN, create a platform
said Arthur van Diesen, UNICEF Representative in for sharing digital public goods.” The signing of the
Kazakhstan. “ITU’s exciting new joint project with collaboration agreement took place on the sides of
UNICEF stems from my cast-iron conviction about the Digital Almaty Forum, which brings together decision-
importance of empowering young people,” said Doreen makers, leading CEOs, international experts and mass
Bogdan-Martin, Director ITU Telecommunication media to discuss global digitalization trends, share
Development Bureau. “Kazakhstan’s commitment to experiences in digital transformation, and develop
school connectivity is one of the government’s most common approaches in regional cooperation.
important and far-reaching decisions, because it is the (February 2, 2020)
youth of today who will drive the next wave of digital
Telecom Kosovo’s (TK’s) board of directors has been profitable firms to the verge of bankruptcy. For the most
dismissed for mismanaging the telco by the nation’s new part, these accusations have centered on the company
government. Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry over spending on services as a means to syphon cash
and Entrepreneurship and Strategic Investments, from the company to an associate. Most recently, for
Kosovo Rozeta Hajdari, proposed that the board be replaced, example, an investigation earlier this year found that
the company had spent over EUR30 million (USD32.5
citing the operator’s poor performance and its growing
reputation for corruption. The Minister was quoted as million) on advertising and media sponsorships over
telling cabinet: ‘TK is in an extremely poor financial the last decade, including more than EUR2 million
and operating condition, on the verge of bankruptcy, since 2015 – when the provider had begun to register
endangering Kosovo’s telecommunications services annual losses. TK had spent money with at least
and jeopardizing public property [and] the livelihoods 116 online portals and media outlets, but the report
of thousands of employees … The government should noted that there were only 33 such entities registered
immediately dismiss the chairs of the board if it finds with Kosovo’s industry body at the time. Many of the
that they have breached their financial duties.’ Newly- beneficiaries of these deals were companies owned
elected Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s new cabinet voted by politicians or their close associates. One such firm,
unanimously to dismiss the officials. TK has faced Agjencia per Informim Rajonal, was partly-owned by
numerous scandals in recent years, with allegations the brother of the former PM and received thousands
of abuse of office, nepotism and corruption, as it of euros from the telco.
has steadily declined from one of the nation’s most (February 24, 2020) Prishtina Insight
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