Page 153 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 153


                         The  Agency  for  Electronic  Communications  (AEK)   the regulator noted that there is an ongoing migration
                         has opened a public consultation on the award of 5G   to the second-generation  digital  video broadcasting-
                         authorizations  in North Macedonia,  giving interested   terrestrial  (DVB-T2)  standard  which should be
                         parties until 6 March to submit their comments. The   completed by mid-2020, vacating the band for telecoms
        Macedonia        regulator  is planning  to initially award 5G-suitable   use. The AEK will award 2×10MHz of spectrum in the
                         spectrum  in  the  700MHz  and  3.6GHz  bands  in  the
                                                                        700MHz band per operator, while it plans to distribute
                         second half of 2020 (with other bands scheduled to be   300MHz  in  the 3.6GHz  band (100MHz  per operator)
                         allocated in case of interest) and has invited all market   nationally and 68.5MHz  regionally.  When  allocating
                         participants to provide their input regarding terms and   spectrum  in  the  two  bands,  the  AEK  is  planning  to
                         conditions  of the spectrum  auction,  the demand  for   prescribe a number of conditions, including territorial
                         spectrum, the optimal way of allocating the airwaves,   coverage (at least one city covered by 5G by the end
                         and a deadline consistent with the operators’ return on   of  2023  and all  cities covered with  uninterrupted  5G
                         investment. The AEK proposes to reserve 2×10MHz in   signal by 2027) and population coverage (all citizens
                         the 700MHz band and 100MHz in the 3.6GHz bands for   to be provided 5G access with minimum downlink of
                         a new network operator, with a lower one-time fee and   100Mbps by 2029).
                         coverage obligations. Regarding the 700MHz airwaves,   (February 12, 2020)

                         The Ministry  of Transport  and Communications   which  it  identifies  as  a  ‘key  barrier  to  expanding
                         (MOTC) has  published  a  white  paper on facilitating   Myanmar’s broadband penetration and coverage’. In a
                         faster broadband and 5G adoption,  recommending   similar vein, the MOTC’s Post and Telecommunications
                         new broadband penetration targets as well as potential   Department (PTD) should be tasked with establishing
                         regulatory strategies to achieve these goals. The paper   a national infrastructure database to enable a ‘check
        Myanmar          suggests  setting penetration  and speed  targets by   before you  dig’ service  that would  help  minimize
                         technology  and along an urban/non-urban  divide  for   accidental damage to existing networks. The PTD would
                         2020 and 2024 as follows:                      also look to encourage greater infrastructure sharing,
                         For urban areas:                               covering both existing systems and the deployment of
                         •  5% at 20Mbps via fixed technologies by 2020  new fixed broadband and 5G infrastructure. Meanwhile,
                         •  15% at 20Mbps via fixed-wireless technologies by   the paper also recommends the release of additional
                            2020                                        spectrum,  though  TeleGeography  notes that  this
                         •  50% at 100Mbps via fixed technologies by 2024  process is  already  underway,  with  the PTD  having
                         •  50% at 100Mbps via fixed-wireless technologies by   published  a  roadmap for the release of airwaves in
                            2024.                                       early 2019. That timeline – intended to steadily provide
                         For non-urban areas:                           greater resources to industry players whilst striking a
                         •  3% at 10Mbps via fixed technologies by 2020  balance  between  affordability for telcos and revenue
                         •  20%  at  5Mbps  via  fixed-wireless  technologies  by   generation  for the government  – will  see the state
                            2020                                        auction 2300MHz, 2600MHz and 3500MHz frequencies
                         •  20% at 30Mbps via fixed technologies by 2024  later this year, with a tender for 700MHz airwaves to
                         •  60% at 30Mbps via fixed-wireless technologies by   follow in 2021 and 850MHz and 900MHz to be made
                            2024.                                       available in 2022.  The subsequent two years would
                         To reach these targets, the white paper recommends   then see the release of additional 3500MHz spectrum
                         making improvements  to regulations  to ease   (2023), and other 5G-suitable frequencies, such as the
                         infrastructure  deployment.  Specifically,  the  paper   1500MHz, 4.8GHz and 26GHz bands (2024).
                         suggests addressing right of way  (RoW) challenges,   (February 19, 2020)

                         Mexico’s Federal Telecomunications Institute (Instituto   Baja California and Sonora), is – like its better-known
                         Federal de Telecomunicaciones, IFT) has fined America   sister company, Telmex – classified as a Preponderant
                         Movil  (AM)  subsidiary  Telefonos  del Noreste (Telnor)   Economic  Agent  (Agente  Economico Preponderante,
                         a total of MXN1.3 billion (USD69.7 million) for failing   AEP). As such, Telnor is obliged to inform the regulator
        Mexico           to disclose full details regarding the availability  and   – and in turn the other concessionaires – of its network
                                                                        availability, so other  operators  can utilize excess
                         technical  characteristics  of its  networks. Telnor,
                         which operates  in  north-western  Mexico (including   network capacity. (January 29, 2020)

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