Page 147 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 147


                         Brazil’s  National  Telecommunications  Agency  the  demands  that were presented,  especially  those
                         (Agencia Nacional de Telecomunicacoes, Anatel) has   of the Prestadoras de Pequeno  Porte (PPP  – ‘small
                         revoked the mobile  termination  rates (MTRs) set for   providers’), which may be part of the development of
                         the  period  between  2020 and 2023 – as established   this new technology.’  Other details under  discussion
        Brazil           in December  2018 – and replaced  them  with lower   relate to  the proposed  make-up of the spectrum
                         interconnection  charges. The  regulatory change  of   blocks on offer, i.e. whether to divide the 26GHz band
                         heart follows appeals from a number  of operators,   into 400MHz blocks (five national and three regional)
                         including Claro Brasil. The America Movil (AM)-backed   or 200MHz  blocks (ten national and six  regional).  In
                         telco  had argued  that Anatel had used  ‘inaccurate’   addition, existing 700MHz license holders are expected
                         data in its calculations, and the figures would have a   to be prohibited from bidding on the 2×10MHz block of
                         heavy impact on its unlimited tariffs. As per Analysis   spectrum in that band.
                         6/2020,  the  regulator  has  now  redefined  the  MTRs   (February 11, 2020)
                         for each of the country’s three operating regions. The
                         2020  MTR for Region  1  has  now been  reduced  from   The Brazilian  Ministry  of Science,  Technology,
                         BRL0.01863 (USD0.00429) per minute to BRL0.01338,   Innovations and Communications  (MCTIC) has
                         while the Region 2 2020 MTR has been lowered from   published a set of guidelines for the country’s imminent
                         BRL0.02128  per minute  to BRL0.01503,  with  Region   5G  spectrum  auction  in  the  Federal  Official  Gazette.
                         3  rates  decreasing  from  BRL0.04342  to  BRL0.02687.   The  auction – which  will be  staged  by the  National
                         MTRs for all Regions are scheduled to increase slightly   Telecommunications  Agency  (Anatel) – will  include
                         between now and 2023, although the rates remain far   spectrum in the 700MHz, 2.3GHz, 3.5GHz and 26GHz
                         lower than those initially established in 2018. The new   bands.
                         2020 MTRs will take effect on 25 February.     The MCTIC’s guidelines include:
                         (February 19, 2020)            •  Mandated 4G  access in  all  rural  towns  with  a
                                                                          population greater than 600.
                         Brazil’s National Telecommunications Agency (Agencia   •  Coverage  of all  federal  highways  with mobile
                         Nacional de Telecomunicacoes, Anatel) has initiated a   broadband.
                         public consultation regarding its planned 5G spectrum   •  The deployment of fiber-optic transport networks in
                         auction. The consultation was launched on 6 February   all municipalities not yet served.
                         and will run for 45 days. The auction process, which   •  Encouragement  to  share active and passive
                         was  recently approved by  the  Brazilian  Ministry  of   infrastructure, including towers, ducts and conduits.
                         Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications   •  The establishment of ‘activation deadlines’ to ensure
                         (Ministerio  da Ciencia,  Tecnologia, Inovacoes e   the prompt rollout of services, with a provision for
                         Comunicacoes,  MCTIC) will  include  spectrum  in the   unused  spectrum  to  pass  to  third  parties  if  the
                         700MHz,  2300MHz,  3.5GHz  and  26GHz  bands.  Key   conditions are not met.
                         items included  in the new consultation include  the   In  addition,  the  document  defines  criteria  for  the
                         provision of extra  3.5GHz  frequencies,  which will  be   protection of users who currently receive free satellite
                         restricted to regional operators. The watchdog notes:   TV  signals  in  the C  band, which is  adjacent to  the
                         ‘With the addition of more bandwidth, in what will be   3.5GHz  band. Winning  bidders  of the 3.5GHz  band
                         the main band for the development of 5G [i.e. 3.5GHz],   must meet  any costs associated  with eliminating
                         it  will  be possible to  meet more comprehensively   interference. (February 6, 2020)

                         Telecoms  regulator  the Belgian Institute for Postal   of 15MHz  duplex  (2520MHz-2535MHz/2640MHz-
                         Services  and  Telecommunications  (BIPT)  has  2655MHz) remained unsold. No additional legislative
                         announced plans to make the remaining free spectrum   action is required to make the free spectrum available
                         in the 2600MHz band available for auction. The decision   through  a  new  auction  and  the  holder  of  this  final
        Bulgaria         is in response  to a request  for a license  in the band   license,  which will  be valid  for  15  years  from  2020
                         from an unnamed  company  and increasing market   to 2035, will  be able to set up a  national 2600MHz
                         demand for spectrum. The allocation of this spectrum   network. The spectrum  cap of 2×20MHz  means
                         is  based  on the Royal  Decree of 22  December  2010   existing license  holders  in this  band are excluded.
                         on radio access in the 2500MHz-2690MHz frequency   Proximus  and Orange already have 2×20MHz  in  this
                         band, as well as the current Article 30 of the Electronic   band and Telenet 2×15MHz. The minimum price for the
                         Communications Act of 13 June 2005. Spectrum in this   license is EUR15.01 million (USD16.3 million) and will
                         frequency band was initially put up for auction in 2011   not be subject to specific coverage conditions.
                         during  the  country’s  first  4G  auction,  but  one  block   (February 21, 2020)

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