Page 148 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 148


                         China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology   China issued 5G spectrum licenses to China Telecom,
                         (MIIT) has urged  major telecom  operators  to timely   China Unicom and China Broadcasting Network (CBN),
                         assess the impacts of the coronavirus outbreak  and   allowing the three to share the 3.3GHz to 3.4GHz band
                         quicken construction  on the 5G  network.  Telecom   for indoor  coverage. The Ministry  of Industry  and
        China            companies  should optimize  construction  plans  of   Information  Technology’s (MIIT) move to allow  use
                         the 5G  network and fully  utilize  its  role in  stabilizing   of public  mobile frequencies  by  more than a  single
                         investments and spurring the development of the related   enterprise  aims  to  encourage  joint  construction  and
                         industrial  chain,  according  to a statement  released   sharing of 5G infrastructure.  In  September  2019,
                         after a  work conference  of the MIIT.  Boosted  by the   China Telecom and China Unicom agreed to team on
                         news, 5G-related shares rose across the board. China   building and maintaining 5G RANs across the country,
                         has extended the use of 5G technology in the ongoing   to accelerate deployment and slash associated costs.
                         battle against the epidemic, with wide applications in   CBN, a state-owned national cable TV operator, plans
                         work  resumption,  long-distance  disease diagnosis   to invest CNY250 million ($35.8  million)  to deploy
                         and temperature checking  in  transport  networks.   5G service in 16  cities including  Beijing, Shanghai,
                         The ministry said businesses  should  capitalize on   Guangzhou and Shenzhen. It was granted a commercial
                         business  opportunities in sectors  such  as  online   5G  license  in  June  2019  together  with  the  country’s
                         education and health services to promote information   three  major mobile  operators.  China  Telecom  and
                         consumption. China green lighted the commercial use   China  Unicom  received  100MHz  in the  3.5GHz  band,
                         of the superfast wireless technology in June last year,   while market leader  China Mobile obtained  260MHz
                         triggering  a surge in consumer enthusiasm  and an   in the 2.6GHz  and 4.9GHz  bands.  The allocation of
                         acceleration in industrial investment. Leading telecom   spectrum in the 3.3GHz to 3.4GHz band aims to reduce
                         operator China Unicom said Sunday it will work with   China Mobile’s advantage in overall spectrum holdings.
                         China Telecom to finish the construction of 250,000 5G   (February 11, 2020)
                         base stations across the country by the end of the third
                         quarter. (February 25, 2020)

                         The Colombian  government  has  created a  new   de Regulacion de Comunicaciones,  CRC) was
                         regulatory  body  which will  hold the responsibility  for   launched on 3 February, in accordance with the Law of
                         monitoring the ICT, postal and audiovisual sectors. The   Modernization of the ICT Sector (Law 1978 of 2019).
                         Communications  Regulation  Commission (Comision   (February 6, 2020)

                         a source from the regulator told Hina. A national task   behind Hrvatski Telekom (HT) and A1 Hrvatska.
                         force coordinated by Hakom will now select the tools   (January 31, 2020)
                         and set out criteria for manufacturers and equipment
                         suppliers  wishing to  work  in  Croatia.  Domestic   The Croatian government  has chosen  the country’s
        Croatia          operators will  be able to  procure  equipment  and   fourth-largest  city  Osijek  as  the  site  for  the  first  live
                         products  from  any  manufacturer  that  satisfies  the   5G networks.  Authorities  say that services will  be
                         criteria. (February 4, 2020)  launched in Osijek by the end of this year, allowing it
                                                                        to meet the terms of the EU’s 5G Action Plan, which
                         Croatia’s  Agency  for the Protection  of Competition   was  published  in 2016.  All three cellcos  in Croatia
                         (Agencija  za  zastitu  trzisnog  natjecanja,  AZTN)   have welcomed the plan. Hrvatski Telekom (HT) says
                         has  approved Tele2’s  proposed  sale  of its  Croatian   it has already set up eight trial 5G base stations in the
                         business to United Group which was first announced   city,  demonstrating  its  first  5G  video  call  there  last
                         on 31  May  2019.  A formal approval  is  expected  to   September. Tele2 called on the regulator, the Croatian
                         be published  in the coming  weeks, with the EUR220   Postal & Electronic Communications Agency (HAKOM),
                         million (USD242 million) deal then due to complete in   to allocate 5G spectrum in the second half of the year
                         the next few months. Tele2 Croatia is the smallest of   to support  the development  of the new technology.
                         the country’s three mobile network operators (MNOs),   (January 26, 2020)

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