Page 155 - SAMENA Trends - February 2020
P. 155


                         Poland’s Office of Electronic Communications (Urzad   million (USD116  million). As noted  in CommsUpdate
                         Komunikacji  Elektronicznej,  UKE)  has  implemented   earlier  this month,  Orange Polska and P4 (Play)
                         new regulations aimed at making it easier for cablecos   contacted UKE to request that the reserve price for each
                         to share infrastructure in multi-dwelling residential   of the four available licenses be cut to around PLN248
        Poland           buildings. The regulations, which were first published   million. The two operators calculated the lower reserve
                                                                        price based on similar 5G sales in countries such as
                         in draft form in May  last  year, are targeted  at  cable
                         operators Netia,  UPC  Poland, Multimedia  Polska,   Finland, Italy, Germany, Spain,  Switzerland,  Austria,
                         Vectra,  INEA  and  Toya.  UKE  says  the  change  will   Ireland and the UK. The regulator has also maintained
                         ‘increase competition among operators and facilitate   the limit of one 80MHz block per bidder, despite fears
                         consumer  access  to telecommunications  services’.   that this could lead to a block going unsold if one of the
                         It  said under  the previous regime  infrastructure was   country’s four main cellcos opts to withdraw from the
                         often duplicated because operators were charging their   bidding.  Meanwhile,  UKE  is  also  calling  on  licensees
                         rivals high fees for access. (January 30, 2020)  to  speed  up their network rollouts,  giving them four
                                                                        months instead of the previous six to install at least
                         Poland’s Office of Electronic Communications (Urzad   ten base stations in one nominated city following the
                         Komunikacji  Elektronicznej,  UKE)  has  launched  its   award  of concessions.  By  the end of  2023  licensees
                         second round of consultation for the planned award of   must have deployed at  least 300  base stations
                         5G spectrum in the 3400MHz-3800MHz band later this   (originally 250) and by the end of 2025 the target is now
                         year.  The regulator has ignored calls from operators   700 sites (originally 500).
                         which wanted the reserve price lowered from PLN450   (January 28, 2020)

                         The  President  of  Anacom,  Joao  Cadete  de  Matos,   •  900MHz; one lot of 2×5MHz (EUR30.00 million per
                         has  sent to  the Portuguese  government  a  proposal   lot)
                         to reduce  spectrum  fees,  following  demands  from   •  900MHz; four lots of 2×1MHz (EUR6.00 million per
                         operators,  he said in an interview.  The fees amount   lot)
        Portugal         to EUR  44.2  million in annual revenue  for the state.   •  1800MHz;  three lots of 2×5MHz  (EUR4.00  million
                                                                          per lot)
                         Taking into account  that the spectrum  held  by  each
                         operator will increase after the 5G auction, the telecom   •  2100MHz; one lot of 2×5MHz (EUR2.00 million per
                         operators want a reduction in spectrum rates of at least   lot)
                         50 percent, as happened at the introduction of 4G. The   •  2600MHz; two lots of 2×5MHz (EUR3.00 million per
                         Anacom Chief said the regulator submitted its advice   lot)
                         and it will be up to the government to decide whether   •  2600MHz; one lot of 25MHz (EUR3.00 million per lot)
                         to proceed with an ordinance. The proposal is still for   •  3.6GHz  (with  restrictions  until 2025); six lots of
                         several tens of millions of euros in annual fees, Cadete   10MHz (EUR840,000 per lot)
                         de Matos said. (February 17, 2020) Jornal de Negocios  •  3.6GHz  (with  restrictions  until 2025);  four  lots of
                                                                          10MHz (EUR940,000 per lot)
                         The National Communications Authority (ANACOM)   •  3.6GHz (no restrictions); 30 lots of 10MHz (EUR1.23
                         has  approved the draft rules for its  upcoming  5G   million per lot).
                         multi-band spectrum auction. The 5G auction, which   ANACOM  notes  that  the  prices  for  the  700MHz  and
                         is earmarked  to take place  in 2Q20, will  comprise   3.6GHz  bands  have  been  fixed  with  reference  to  the
                         700MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2100MHz, 2600MHz and   average reserve prices that have featured in European
                         3.6GHz spectrum. The reserve prices have been set as   5G auctions since  2018.  These prices  were adjusted
                         follows:                                       considering  the size of the Portuguese  population,
                         •  700MHz;  six  lots  of  2×5MHz  (EUR19.20  million   purchasing power parities and the duration of frequency
                            [USD20.9 million] per lot)                  usage rights. (February 13, 2020)

                         Romania’s  Competition  Council  has  fined  NetCity   basis to all  telecom  operators  wishing to provide
                         Telecom,  the company that  builds and operates  a   services in Bucharest. In a statement, Bogdan Chiritoiu,
                         shared open access underground fiber-optic network   President of the Competition Council, said he hoped the
                         in Bucharest, a total of RON2.18 million (USD504,000)   case would serve was a warning to operators of similar
        Romania          for abuse  of its  dominant position.  The investigation   networks in several other Romanian cities. At the end of
                                                                        June 2019, NetCity had built 1,520km of underground
                         opened  in  April 2019  determined  that  between  2010
                         and 2019 NetCity failed to make its  infrastructure   infrastructure and connected 20,300 buildings.
                         available on  a transparent  and non-discriminatory   (February 3, 2020)

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